Friday, October 28, 2016

Amp Up the Action

image courtesy of hyenareality at

It starts with a twinge. . . . .
or maybe a funny gut feeling
and progresses to uncomfortable.

You know what I mean, that fearful feeling that keeps you stuck. You can't reason or analyze your way through your block. You can't shake it either.

Fear keeps you stuck. Fear keeps you safe and small.

Until it doesn't. Until you decide it is a key to joy for you. Don't fight or resist your fear, don't make it stronger. Meet your fear full on, welcome it and proceed anyway. Integrate your fear and do it anyway. Your fear is pointing you to where the great stuff is.

The obstacle is the way.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Self Talk

image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

What is the difference between being lonely and alone?

To me, it is the emotional energy.

Lonely is I have judged myself as separate and I am sad because of my thoughts.

Alone is I am observing my physical situation without judgment and I am neutral.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, October 21, 2016

You Say

that the election and things are messed up right now and you can't make a difference.

I respectfully disagree.

Every time you smile at someone you don't know, hold the door open for someone, let another car in front of you in traffic, pay for someone's coffee or infuse more compassion into a situation in your own way, without expectations, you are making a difference.

Infuse love into what you do during your day and you are helping the whole planet shift into more love.

Real change starts inside of you and moves out.

image courtesy of MR LIGHTMAN at

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sealed With a Kiss

image courtesy of namakuki at

Unconditional love is like a water faucet.

Trying to fill up with someone else's love from the outside to your inside is temporary. They are the faucet and they control the flow. The flow can leave you.

Unconditional love is inside of you. Play in it. Fill up in it from the inside. It is your strength and genuine empowerment. It naturally flows from you out. 

you are your forever love.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Your Time to Shine

image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Do you schedule quiet or still time with yourself? Consistently with no distractions? No electronics? Off grid?

Quiet and still time allows you to hear your internal wisdom. It allows you connect to your dreams and your answers.

Find a safe place, close your eyes and breathe enjoyably.
You can't do it wrong.
Do it and see what happens.
Access the LIGHT within.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Kicking Back

image courtesy of stockdevil at

Some say becoming centered happens in conscious rhythmic breathing.

Some say becoming centered and connecting with your heart happens the split second between breaths.

Some never notice.

What do you do?
How does it help you feel?

Friday, October 7, 2016

At Your Command

image courtesy of stock images at

Reboot, refresh, reinvigorate, replenish, reiterate, return, remember

The re's have it.

We remind ourselves of important ideas, tasks and events frequently.

When did you last remember or remind yourself to connect with the unconditional love in your heart?

Reheart to feel fabulous and bring more love to our planet.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

This Love's For You

How much do you love yourself?
A little?
A lot?

Self love is a game changer.

If you are not gentle, kind and non-judgmental with yourself, you can not be gentle, kind and loving with another person. The way you treat yourself is the way you treat others unless you are insincere.

Why not become your own best friend? You will be with you for your whole life.

Why not become the person you want to date? If you are looking for another person to complete you, you are putting too much pressure on yourself and your partner.

Why not begin with you?

image courtesy of Stuart Miles at