I want more love in my life but
I’m broke
I can’t afford it
I am poor
Does this sound familiar?
I have heard this or some variation of it many, many times
Are they related?
Like currents in a river, flowers in summer and darkness in night
Since what you focus on expands
You are focusing on what you don’t have
In love
And finances
And feeling fear
It’s called a Scarcity Mindset
And most of us have become very skilled at it
We think about what we don’t want and then energize it with our emotions
Making it stronger
We are great at imagining future negative outcomes
We don’t want to happen
And then fearing them
Do you do this?
Is there another way?
You can choose to shift your mindset from fear to abundance
It isn’t easy and it takes consistent commitment and practice
It’s self-love instead of a magic wand, pill or fix
If you want to try something new
Here are 5 Steps to Shift out of a Fear/Lack/Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset:
Become aware of your thoughts and self-talk.
Identify the thoughts you have that feel bad.
Journal your scarcity/fear/lack thoughts. (I can’t afford it, I’m broke, I’ll
never find love again, All the good people are taken, etc.) Notice when you are
reinforcing the scarcity program you run.
Begin to allow, learn from and release your fear.
Sit with your fear thoughts and notice what happens. Breathe. Notice, that you
survive your fear thoughts. You are here and you can create something new.
Choose to shift to better feeling thoughts.
Begin to list all that you are grateful for in your thoughts and in your
journal. Make it personal. Gratitude is
a game changer. When you are grateful, you cannot hold another emotion at the
same time. Gratitude empowers you to shift
your thoughts to what you want instead of what you don’t want.
Use gratitude to measure all you have and all
you do. Gratitude lifts your energy to inspire you to new ideas and action.
Gratitude helps you move forward with momentum. Consciously choose thoughts
that focus you on abundance instead of fear. Imagine the details of abundance
overflowing and plenty. From this higher energy, you get to choose to create
new action steps that feel good to you.
Are you willing to feel your fear/lack/scarcity thoughts and learn to release, reframe and replace them with abundance thoughts?
New Thoughts + New Action = New Result
Nobody can do this for you
You can
Empower yourself
Love On,
Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships
p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here: https://calendly.com/optimizedrelationships/lovecoaching