Thursday, December 26, 2019

Call In Your Life Dream

You are power
I am an Intentional Empowerment Coach
If we fit

I teach you to use your:

To call up more of your:
Inner Light

For you to take your life to NEW Levels of:
Loving Connection

Are you ready to create your life dream? Curious how it works?

For fresh new and next strategy and steps without the guilt of New Year’s Resolutions, use this link to schedule your free one to one Clarity Call with me:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Love It Into Existence

If we look for problems, we find them

If we look for bright spots, we find them

Our thoughts create our reality

In the seeking

Sometimes we forget that we are not separate from what we desire

We have everything we need and more inside now

To meet and beat any challenge

The question and answer exist together


If we perceive we are separate from what we desire

We are

If we feel we are united with what we desire

We are

Release the perception that blocks you from what you desire

Let go of the pain and judgment of yourself for not having it

And shift

Open space and room for what you want

Visualize how good it will feel to be living in harmony with it

Feel it deeply inside

What you focus on expands

Grow it bigger and brighter

Like a new infant arriving 

Love it into existence

Love On

Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Clarity Call with me here: