Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How Will You Make It?

The 3 areas of life most of you feel challenged in are: health, love and money.

Many of you have been conditioned to learn that these challenges either go your way or they don't go your way. You are lucky or unlucky in wellness, in your relationships and/or your finances. That life has to be a struggle; that life happens to you.

What results when you shift your beliefs, thoughts and feelings to notice that life happens through you? That instead of challenges happening to you, you can create and respond to what happens in your life. When you become aware of your own feelings and thoughts, you can consciously choose how and when you respond.

The first step is to find your belief in yourself and feel it.

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and comfortably and become calm.
Center yourself in quiet so you can begin to hear your inner wisdom.
Don't judge yourself, you can not do it wrong.
Do not rush.
Listen deeply to your heartbeat to begin the process of connecting with your internal whispers and strengths.

You have all your answers within, it is time for you to use your inner world to create your outer world.

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