You seek safety, yet you won't be shackled.
You crave certainty, yet you need choices.
You've had your heart stomped to bloody hell, yet you might try again.
Nothing about you is consistent. Humans aren't consistent. Emotions, thoughts and mindsets change with your experiences.
How then, can you commit to a love partner? And trust someone to commit to you? How can you be sure that you will love each other in the long run?
You can't.
But you can unlearn the social conditioning that one person will make you happy. You can take responsibility for your emotions and actions yourself. Trust yourself deeply and purposely cultivate your unconditional love.
Know as people shift out of your life, it will hurt and you will grieve but nothing can deplete the unconditional love you have deep inside but you. You. You can't be cut off from your unconditional love unless you choose to separate yourself from it. Unless you abandon it.
Like amazing starfish that grow a fresh arm when one has been severed, as you offer your unconditional love, more love takes it's place. Unconditional love regenerates.
Unconditional love is infinite.
Unconditional love is eternal and with you always. It thrives and thrums within you as you focus on it and take care of it. Share it. The more unconditional love you offer, the more you have.
So unlike other people, money, possessions or status, unconditional love won't leave you. Unconditional love won't break your heart, it will mend it. Your love enhances who you are.
Your challenge is to connect with unconditional love inside your heart. Meet the love and power you are. Allow yourself to enjoy it. Grow with it.
Base your relationships on that and see what happens.