You have a strategy for your health.
You have a strategy for making and saving money.
Do you have a strategy for your love life?
Many people I talk to don’t have love strategies. You have been led
to believe that your soulmate will save you, or love will find you, or not to expect
love at all because love hurts so stay away from it. So, you hang out on the
sidelines and keep your distance from love all the while knowing there is so
much more love for you.
I get it, boy do I understand! I did it too. There isn’t much
relationship education around, is there? Most of us watch relationships that
were modeled for us growing up or around us. We tune into relationships in
movies or tv shows or in books and wonder where ours is. We get ideas about
love and no way to use them.
With little or no solid information on how to create a
long-lasting love relationship to go by, you wander along. Or you numb out or set
yourself up for pain again and again. The seemingly never-ending search
continues until you feel like giving up.
Don’t give up.
It’s not your fault. Old advice that doesn’t work and unrealistic
expectations are to blame. You have been taught, told and sold a boat load of relationship
info and game playing nonsense that don’t work. You’ve been socially
conditioned with old love ideas to apply to new love. You have been given a one
size fits all approach that isn’t helpful and adds to your stress and suffering.
Enough is enough. Stop. No more.
You are worthy of more love, joy and connection. Absorb that. Today
is the day you flip your painful love script to your pleasant new love results.
With new ideas, information and exercises, you can create love relationships
that you - well, love!
What if you fly?
I offer you new ways to connect with more love and share it in
your way and your time. Love your way, welcoming new love mindsets. End the
sadness, pushing and guessing games forever.
Start creating your new and next relationships now. Ask me how.
How? With your action and my information, accountability and support. Forget
old love advice and gain new love clarity. If you want new, have a listen here:
Love On.
p.s. - ^^^click
the link above for 3 words that can change your love life!