Thursday, December 26, 2019

Call In Your Life Dream

You are power
I am an Intentional Empowerment Coach
If we fit

I teach you to use your:

To call up more of your:
Inner Light

For you to take your life to NEW Levels of:
Loving Connection

Are you ready to create your life dream? Curious how it works?

For fresh new and next strategy and steps without the guilt of New Year’s Resolutions, use this link to schedule your free one to one Clarity Call with me:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Love It Into Existence

If we look for problems, we find them

If we look for bright spots, we find them

Our thoughts create our reality

In the seeking

Sometimes we forget that we are not separate from what we desire

We have everything we need and more inside now

To meet and beat any challenge

The question and answer exist together


If we perceive we are separate from what we desire

We are

If we feel we are united with what we desire

We are

Release the perception that blocks you from what you desire

Let go of the pain and judgment of yourself for not having it

And shift

Open space and room for what you want

Visualize how good it will feel to be living in harmony with it

Feel it deeply inside

What you focus on expands

Grow it bigger and brighter

Like a new infant arriving 

Love it into existence

Love On

Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Clarity Call with me here:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Drinkin' Love Kool-Aid

The toxic social programming
We trustingly drank in like delicious magic:
Search for your other half, your soul mate, the one
DNA deep pain
Moving on
Invites you to remember
Your happiness
Your joy
Authentic intense inner fulfillment
And draw it into the center of
Every cell inside you
Then you can choose to bring all your magnificence
To any relationship
To every relationship
To our world
To shift it
To more of what you see
What matters to you
Your vision and

Love On
Risa Kelley

p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck or unhappy in love, take a bold step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Clarity Call with me here: 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Did You Learn Not to Trust Yourself with Love?

Reach back
Can you remember?
Have you learned to stay away from love?

I live to listen to other people’s love stories, dreams and struggles
To help where and when I can
Part of it is
Keeping everything shared with me safe and
Completely confidential
Open hearts text, tell or type to me with their romantic challenges
And ask me to tell them their love future
What I think or feel of your future
Isn’t nearly as important as
What you do
Because you are the only person
That gets to create your love future
Choose it
Loose it or
Move it
I help by stirring you to remember
The power
The light and
The connection you have inside
To step into and
What you want to create and
Dream of
With practical and lovely
Tools, tips and visualizations
Unconditional Love Energy

Ready to get started?

Love On
Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships
p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Portal and the Path to True Love

The love and light within
Is misunderstood
Is far from self-centered
Amplifies all love
As we honor the love and light ablaze inside of each of us
And all of us
Even though we might have been taught to search for love outside ourselves
We can unlearn and shift from only seeking love externally
To the infinite sourced within
The love and light within are the portal and the path
To unconditional love
To the love you choose
And the love that chooses you
The love and light within are our beautiful bridge
To the brilliant light of love
To expansive, inclusive love
To love beyond boundaries
To the reason we are here
The love and light within
Is the spark
That starts it all

Love On

Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Monday, October 28, 2019

You Can

I want more love in my life but

I’m broke

I can’t afford it

I am poor

Does this sound familiar?

I have heard this or some variation of it many, many times

Are they related?

Like currents in a river, flowers in summer and darkness in night


Since what you focus on expands

You are focusing on what you don’t have

In love

And finances

And feeling fear

It’s called a Scarcity Mindset

And most of us have become very skilled at it

We think about what we don’t want and then energize it with our emotions

Making it stronger

We are great at imagining future negative outcomes

We don’t want to happen

And then fearing them

Do you do this?

Is there another way?


You can choose to shift your mindset from fear to abundance

It isn’t easy and it takes consistent commitment and practice

It’s self-love instead of a magic wand, pill or fix

If you want to try something new

Here are 5 Steps to Shift out of a Fear/Lack/Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset:

1.       Become aware of your thoughts and self-talk.

2.       Identify the thoughts you have that feel bad. Journal your scarcity/fear/lack thoughts. (I can’t afford it, I’m broke, I’ll never find love again, All the good people are taken, etc.) Notice when you are reinforcing the scarcity program you run.

3.       Begin to allow, learn from and release your fear. Sit with your fear thoughts and notice what happens. Breathe. Notice, that you survive your fear thoughts. You are here and you can create something new.

4.       Choose to shift to better feeling thoughts. Begin to list all that you are grateful for in your thoughts and in your journal.  Make it personal. Gratitude is a game changer. When you are grateful, you cannot hold another emotion at the same time.  Gratitude empowers you to shift your thoughts to what you want instead of what you don’t want.

5.       Use gratitude to measure all you have and all you do. Gratitude lifts your energy to inspire you to new ideas and action. Gratitude helps you move forward with momentum. Consciously choose thoughts that focus you on abundance instead of fear. Imagine the details of abundance overflowing and plenty. From this higher energy, you get to choose to create new action steps that feel good to you.

Are you willing to feel your fear/lack/scarcity thoughts and learn to release, reframe and replace them with abundance thoughts?

New Thoughts + New Action = New Result

Nobody can do this for you

You can

Empower yourself

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Spiral Up Into More Love

You’ve been through it all

On-line dating sites

Blind dates

Speed dating

Cute co-workers

Hanging out in the grocery store

Hoping someone interesting is in the laundromat

Dating TV Shows

Listening to the “Experts”

The Rules


You have been there and more than done the dating scene

Yet nothing seems to work

So, you blame yourself

And wonder what’s the matter

With you

What if I told you it’s not you, it’s what you were taught?

The toxic social programming

Oh, it’s definitely about YOU

But not about what you are lacking

It’s about what you have now

Somewhere deep inside

The twisty turning pathways to your gorgeous heart:


I know, I know

You’ve been taught self-love is selfish and

To put everyone else before yourself

How is that working out?

You’ve tried everything else

Are you finally ready to try self-love?

Are your ready to be kind and loving with yourself?

So that other people learn how to treat you too?

Are you ready to tap into your natural source of unconditional love?

That nobody can take away?

Of genuine confidence?

Of peace of mind?

I thought so

Now is the time

This is the place

To remember and empower yourself with self-love

I have lots of valuable info for you

To use

To start your new and exciting love journey

That never ends

Start here by downloading my free Love Guide:

Give it a read

See if it’s a good fit for you

And if it is, we can work together to help you spiral up into more love than

You dreamed possible

Today is the day love changes for you

Love On
Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships 

p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by Reid Zura on Unsplash

Thursday, August 22, 2019

You're Trying Hard Not to Show It

Lost that loving feeling?

What if you could start fresh in your love relationships?

A clean page

A new leaf and

An open heart

You can!

That is why I created my online course called Love On

To help you if you feel sad about love

Maybe hopeless

Maybe like giving up

Please don’t

We need you to help shift the planet to more love


Picture your connection to many types of love

Love for your favorite color

Love for yourself

Love for pets

Love for nature

Love for life

Now close your eyes and imagine your love inside

Go one step further and imagine a container to keep you love in



Coffee cup?

Wine glass?

Big bucket?

Now visualize pouring out what’s inside your container today

Giving it a good rinse and

Refilling it with what feels much better

What doesn’t hurt

What connects with all love every where

With all that is

With new love

Big love

Okay open your eyes

This is what we do in my 6-week online course Love On

Ready for your new lovely cup?

And what goes inside it?

Love On,
Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want help with re-embracing your heart wisdom, click here for your Free Love Guide:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by andrew jay on Unsplash

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Your Love Code

Like your finger and toe prints,

Your heart light and

The colors of the morphing iris that surrounds the pupil in your eye,

No 2 people are the same

Inside or



Nobody else can be you.

Nobody else can live your life

Nobody else can know what it is like to be you inside and

Nobody else has your contribution for the planet

How do you live full on and contribute to the planet?

Start inside

With your love code

No one else has it

Love On,

Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want help with re-embracing your heart wisdom, click here for your Free Love Guide:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Crying in Your Car

Showing our emotions has been discouraged

Because we have been told

Crying is a sign of weakness


We’ve all cried alone

Every one of us

Have wept salty tears that release toxins from our bodies

Yet we are shamed

For being human

You’ve cried alone, right?

Maybe in your car

Maybe with tears running into your ears as you tried to fall asleep at night

Maybe in the shower with water streaming down

Maybe suddenly

When pain and sadness knifed into you without warning

And you swore you never wanted to feel shattered like that again

So, you did what we do

You bottled up your tears and turned down the volume on your emotions

Toughened up


Until a temporary way of coping morphed into a permanent numbness


Here’s the thing about emotions

After your life has evened out again and

When you are ready to learn from them

Your emotions give you very important information

To use

To enjoy life more

The full spectrum of emotions is helpful if you allow it

To guide you

The unwanted ones tell you what to run from

The wanted ones tell you what to run to

Your natural emotional GPS

All your emotions need attention and to keep flowing to and through you

Feel, learn from and release all your emotions to stay centered

And healthy

And open hearted

And when you are ready

Welcome your emotions and their information


Emotions are our greatest strength

Because they connect us to each other

And encourage collective healing

So, give yourself permission to have that beautiful cry in your car

And know

That you are healing yourself and the planet 

Love On,
Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want help with re-embracing your heart wisdom, click here for your Free Love Guide:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by Amanda Flavell on Unsplash