Showing our emotions has been discouraged
Because we have been told
Crying is a sign of weakness
We’ve all cried alone
Every one of us
Have wept salty tears that release toxins from our bodies
Yet we are shamed
For being human
You’ve cried alone, right?
Maybe in your car
Maybe with tears running into your ears as you tried to fall asleep at
Maybe in the shower with water streaming down
Maybe suddenly
When pain and sadness knifed into you without warning
And you swore you never wanted to feel shattered like that again
So, you did what we do
You bottled up your tears and turned down the volume on your emotions
Toughened up
Until a temporary way of coping morphed into a permanent numbness
Here’s the thing about emotions
After your life has evened out again and
When you are ready to learn from them
Your emotions give you very important information
To use
To enjoy life more
The full spectrum of emotions is helpful if you allow it
To guide you
The unwanted ones tell you what to run from
The wanted ones tell you what to run to
Your natural emotional GPS
All your emotions need attention and to keep flowing to and through you
Feel, learn from and release all your emotions to stay centered
And healthy
And open hearted
And when you are ready
Welcome your emotions and their information
Emotions are our greatest strength
Because they connect us to each other
And encourage collective healing
So, give yourself permission to have that beautiful cry in your car
And know
That you are healing yourself and the planet
Love On,
Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships
p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in
love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call
with me here:
Photo by Amanda Flavell on Unsplash