Thursday, September 19, 2019

Spiral Up Into More Love

You’ve been through it all

On-line dating sites

Blind dates

Speed dating

Cute co-workers

Hanging out in the grocery store

Hoping someone interesting is in the laundromat

Dating TV Shows

Listening to the “Experts”

The Rules


You have been there and more than done the dating scene

Yet nothing seems to work

So, you blame yourself

And wonder what’s the matter

With you

What if I told you it’s not you, it’s what you were taught?

The toxic social programming

Oh, it’s definitely about YOU

But not about what you are lacking

It’s about what you have now

Somewhere deep inside

The twisty turning pathways to your gorgeous heart:


I know, I know

You’ve been taught self-love is selfish and

To put everyone else before yourself

How is that working out?

You’ve tried everything else

Are you finally ready to try self-love?

Are your ready to be kind and loving with yourself?

So that other people learn how to treat you too?

Are you ready to tap into your natural source of unconditional love?

That nobody can take away?

Of genuine confidence?

Of peace of mind?

I thought so

Now is the time

This is the place

To remember and empower yourself with self-love

I have lots of valuable info for you

To use

To start your new and exciting love journey

That never ends

Start here by downloading my free Love Guide:

Give it a read

See if it’s a good fit for you

And if it is, we can work together to help you spiral up into more love than

You dreamed possible

Today is the day love changes for you

Love On
Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships 

p.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by Reid Zura on Unsplash

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