Friday, December 30, 2016

A Fresh Start

Here we are again at the close of another year.
Here we are at the beginning of a fresh year.

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Are they effective for you? Do they help you achieve? If so, great!

If not, do they leave you feeling disappointed and/or guilty?

Deciding to change isn't enough. You must first release the thoughts that no longer serve you. Begin with releasing your limiting beliefs. (I hate running, I can not run) Replace your limiting beliefs with new thoughts and beliefs. (I can run a few steps) Take small actions first and then incrementally increase your actions to match your new mindset (I can run half a block) See what happens and adjust to what feels good for you.

Remember, once you make a decision, you can always make another and another and another. Few choices are black and white or do or die as we have been taught to believe.

Drawing a hard line in the sand with creating New Years Resolutions without first changing your beliefs, will not change your behavior. Thoughts drive beliefs, beliefs drive behavior.

Here's to YOU in 2017!

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