Friday, April 28, 2017

Speaking Volumes

I love books. I like to read them and devour them and be transported by their contents. I could hangout in a library all the live long day.

Humans are like walking, talking breathing libraries to me. Instead of books, we have many, many emotional experiences during our lifetimes. We accumulate painful and joyful experiences. Our internal shelves are filled with the wanted and unwanted.

We bask and bathe in our joyful and happy experiences and struggle and resist our painful ones. We all have our personal mixture of joy and sorrow. Our experiences and our responses to them make us.

We can consciously choose to edit our emotional libraries. Instead of clinging to wonderful experiences - allow them, learn from them and release them. Instead of avoiding or repressing painful experiences- allow them, learn from them and release them.

The key is not to resist our emotions but to allow and learn from the information they bring us. Understand the personal lessons our emotions afford us and let them go.

Acknowledge. Learn. Release.

Some of us disassociate from our emotions, some of us dwell in them. When we mindfully move our emotions through our body/being, we open up space for more rich experiences and well being. Keeping our emotions flowing through us gives us room to grow, thrive, and contribute - creating a beautiful library of our own stories.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Normally I Wouldn't . . .

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and think of . . . . . normal.

What is normal? Wiki defines it as something like a continuous probability of something. Predictable.

Where does normal exist?

Normal is an invisible mental construct we use to measure ourselves against. Then we judge if we are lacking or outside "normal" boundaries or if we are safe and within "normal" limits. Normal is relative to the person seeking it and continually morphs and changes.

Normal is very personal.

Your normal and my normal are different to each of us. Normal and abnormal are subjective. There are infinite shades on the spectrum of normal and abnormal.

Normal can lull us into a false sense of safety. Normal can keep us stagnant and stuck. Normal can comfort us. Normal can bring relief or stress when we speak of health, relationships and finances.

Am I normal? It was a normal day. Normal is a baseline.

If something is normal, I can be comfortable. Sometimes I want to comfortable, sometimes I don't. Speaking for myself, I appreciate normal. Without normal, I wouldn't value the people, places and experiences that are extraordinary, rich, exquisite and inspiring.

Here's to the fluid flow of normal and extraordinary.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Thanks For Playing

Dating is more accessible than ever with social media and thousands of apps. Many of my clients tell me social media doesn't make dating any easier, if anything, dating apps and social media make dating more difficult and introduce new challenges in getting to know some one on a connective level.

What do you think? Are you willing to share your dating challenges and dating successes here?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Better Together

Love is not a game nor a competition. It's not about winning or losing. Love is not about gain or loss or how long you endure.

You are unconditional love. Unconditional love is as much a part of you as your mind, your heart, your eyelashes or your elbow. The only time you are disconnected from love is when you think or feel you are, even then unconditional love is with you waiting to be remembered.

Your unconditional love makes you, well you. So why not bathe in it, splash it around and share it? Why not send it everywhere with your heart and in your imagination? See what happens and let me know. . .

Friday, April 14, 2017

With a Swipe

5 Dating App Takeaways:

  1. Judge a book by it's cover; evaluate mostly on physical appearance.
  2. Begin a new relationship with immediate sexual try-outs.
  3. If getting to know someone new is too much effort, next.
  4. Forget genuine connection in favor of the instant social media rush.
  5. Become skilled at being rejected.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Hooked on Judgment

If you are tempted to judge yourself by the number or the length or the endurance of your relationships, don't!
Social conditioning is responsible for some common love relationship misconceptions. One of many is the idea that relationships last forever or are complete.
Relationships come and go. Relationships are rarely complete. Even in long term relationships, one partner usually passes before the other. We are born with our self and we leave with our self.
It isn't the longest time we are together, it is the love, joy and richness in our time together.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Channeling Rage

5 Steps to Reduce Anger Now:

  1. Anger is feeling powerless; choose to remember you are not powerless.
  2. Anger is a reflection of something inside of you that hasn't healed; flood your pain with unconditional love to help it heal.
  3. Anger or emotion lasts 90 seconds - count, drink water, walk, hum or get moving to move the emotion through your body.
  4. Anger floods your body with fight, flight or freeze chemicals; choose to remain calm and present so you can respond instead of react.
  5. When you resist your anger, you make it stronger - mindfully allow it, learn from it and release it.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Don't Stop It

Abundance in love, finances and health are energies that constantly circulate everywhere.

Are you open to receiving what you want and do you focus and act on it?

Or do you focus on what you don't want and make it stronger? 

Mindfully focus, feel and act on what you want more of.