Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Normally I Wouldn't . . .

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and think of . . . . . normal.

What is normal? Wiki defines it as something like a continuous probability of something. Predictable.

Where does normal exist?

Normal is an invisible mental construct we use to measure ourselves against. Then we judge if we are lacking or outside "normal" boundaries or if we are safe and within "normal" limits. Normal is relative to the person seeking it and continually morphs and changes.

Normal is very personal.

Your normal and my normal are different to each of us. Normal and abnormal are subjective. There are infinite shades on the spectrum of normal and abnormal.

Normal can lull us into a false sense of safety. Normal can keep us stagnant and stuck. Normal can comfort us. Normal can bring relief or stress when we speak of health, relationships and finances.

Am I normal? It was a normal day. Normal is a baseline.

If something is normal, I can be comfortable. Sometimes I want to comfortable, sometimes I don't. Speaking for myself, I appreciate normal. Without normal, I wouldn't value the people, places and experiences that are extraordinary, rich, exquisite and inspiring.

Here's to the fluid flow of normal and extraordinary.

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