Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I Know Where You've Been

On-line dating sites
Hook up apps
Social media overload
Dishonest selfies
Painful blind dates

You check your phone for small shots of instant social gratification. It feels fabulous to reach out and connect and so you seek the next mini high of being validated. You receive hearts or likes or clicks that flood your solar plexus with needles full of hope. Yet the hits don't last and worse yet, they stop flowing.

No one knows the real you, not like you want to be known and understood. 

Superficial, surface connection is at your ready fingertips 24/7. You can scan for or pick a potential partner as easily as you might select a fresh dessert from a wilted and overcrowded buffet. The process is the problem.

The age old conflict: 

Where do you go to begin or build a lasting connection? The kind of connection that becomes deep, raw, real and honest? The kind of connection that whispers to or jolts your heart and soul out of your mind numbing search?

Not where you think. Not where you have been looking. Not outside yourself. 

You have been taught, told and sold that fulfillment, happiness and love are outside of yourself. If you play the game the right way, have boatloads of cash or are beyond airbrushed attractive, you will be or become lucky in love. Otherwise, you are missing out.  

Nonsense. You have been sold a pack of well-intentioned lies.

The new model:

It's time to look inside. Yes, the connection, compassion and unconditional love you seek are within you. Unconditional love is as much a part of you as your eye color or favorite movie. 

Reconnect with the unconditional love that is alive within your heart. Whether it is a spark or a raging flame, it burns. It drives you to keep searching and beckons you to remember it.  Feel it, respect it, honor it.

Love yourself first to make peace with your emotions. 
Love yourself honestly so that others may know how to love you. 
Love yourself completely to connect with the energy of all that is. 

Just love. 

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