Thursday, December 28, 2017

Is It Your Turn Yet?

Around midnight as the calendar silently flips from this year to next. . .

Something remarkable is happening.

You are becoming more of who you are. You are growing into more of you. Being you is the privilege of your lifetime.

Yes, YOU.

You have work to do. Choices to make. Mountains to climb.

But not the kind of mountains you might have been taught about.

Not the majestic mountains outside in glorious nature - you want the peaks inside. The mountains you seek are in your internal universe. In your body, mind and heart. Much will be required of you on this inner journey. Are you up to the task?

There will be laughter and tears on your journey; gems and dirt. There will be unimaginable joy and sorrow. You will persevere.

Begin to enjoy your deep authentic self-love. No faking allowed!

Your journey will require that you act. You must be a doer with dreams.

Or you can go on with what you are working on now.

Are you still up for 2018?

Good. I believe in you.

It is time for you to unlearn what hurts. What keeps you down and helps you forget who you are at your core – magnificent. It is time to step away from what holds you back and glide gracefully into what empowers you.

It’s time to fly.

Be bold, be brave and be on the lookout for bright spots as 2018 arrives. Now is your time. This is the place.

What will remarkable you share?

Love On.

p.s. - message me here:  

Photo by Redd Angelo on Unsplash

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