Thursday, January 25, 2018

Your Story To Be Told


My passion, my purpose and Optimized Relationships is about you.

About you, for you, with you.

Optimized Relationships is about all things love. It’s about every shade of love in the whole color drenched spectrum. It’s about you and your relationships.

The phases.

It’s about your challenges, problems, concerns and thoughts. It’s about me supporting you. It’s about your hopes, dreams, inspirations and aspirations.

Optimized Relationships is about you and your connection. It’s about sharing your passion and purpose with the planet so that we all benefit.


It’s not about judgment. Judgment is the opposite of love. Optimized Relationships is a judgment free zone. It’s about unconditional love.

Big Love.




It’s about working together to create a new energy that births new solutions, support and solidarity.

It’s about time.  It’s about you.

For you, from me.

Love On.

p.s. -  Are you ready to be in the love conversation? Let’s talk about it: :

Photo by Kaleb Nimz on Unsplash

Thursday, January 18, 2018

You Know Scrolling

Yes. Maybe. Please no.

Scrolling through you might have noticed or felt a little fakery, deceit, manipulation or confusion. Or a complete turn off.

Who loves online dating sites?

Yet, you search them. Why? What is going on?

Hope is ongoing. Up to a point, your hope outweighs your distrust.

The hope that you will find someone who gets you. Someone who understands and wants to hold you. Someone who will be there for you through joy and sorrow. Someone who will complete you.

Someone “perfect”.

There is someone perfect for you. It is you. Yes, you absolutely deserve love, companionship, incredible sex and laughter. Provide all of them for yourself first before you ask another person to do it for you.

This is great self-love.

This is taking responsibility and owning your emotions to give yourself what you seek in others. Don’t expect another to give you what you can’t give yourself: emotional clarity, connection or money.

Switch it up. Have fun being your own best friend and give yourself what you have been taught to look for in other people, places and things.

From this loving and centered mind set you can then decide if you want to be in a relationship. If you want to share your open heart with another person or not. No judgment. What you decide is best for you. What you seek outside yourself, you have inside yourself now. You have your answers.

If you do decide to consciously create a new relationship, you do it from love centered empowerment, not needy desperation. You give yourself permission to be your loving self from the start. This eliminates the need to people please and allows you to present yourself in all your magnificence in the beginning. Natural confidence from the get go. When you begin any relationship in honesty you hold space for the other person to do the same.

If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got. Get uncomfortable. Try next. Do new.

How you do it is up to you and your creativity. Dating sites? Face to face conversations? New activities/clubs? With a little support and help from me, your loveologist?

Take new love avenues. Enjoy new love approaches. With or without scrolling online dating sites, you are well on your way to new love results.

Love On.

p.s. -  Get in touch with me at:

Photo by Rohit Tandon on Unsplash

Thursday, January 11, 2018

You've Been Misled

Do you ever feel slightly off when you try to make everyone else happy before yourself? When you offer your help to other people and they barely notice?  When you run out of steam and time before you get to do what you would like to do?

That’s people pleasing for you.  It drains and disappoints. People pleasing will never, ever fill you up. Not from the outside in, no and no.

Might you also have learned that self-care is selfish?  If so, gentle one, you have been misled. Putting everybody else before you help yourself is a path to feeling bone tired exhaustion. Resentment. Confusion.

Change it up, flip those old mindsets and start caring for yourself in a profound way. You are going to be with yourself for the rest of your life, so why not enjoy it? You are your best friend forever, it’s time you act like it.

Self-care is generous, kind and restorative.  Self-care is anything but selfish if it helps you feel recharged and ready to face a new day. Self-care that allows you to interact and assist from high energy is a gift to you and anyone you meet. Self-care naturally radiates out from you to other people with ease and in abundance.

Begin to honor your own inner magnificence with my simple SEEDS:

·         S     Sleep – get plenty of it

·         E     Eat – several small healthy meals and drink abundant water

·         E     Exercise -  get moving to move and release your emotions

·         D     Do – something that helps you feel productive

·         S      See – your connection to everything (your life energy connects you to all energy)

Do you, your way. Go to what you love to do. Connect with what ticks your energy up and helps you feel alive and engaged. Remember what gives you the tingles and makes you laugh.

Give yourself permission to be kind to yourself.

Start small and ease into treating yourself well. Take good care of yourself to connect with your genuine happiness and joy. Joy is your birthright and a sure pathway to more joy. Go for your joy and share it.

Share you instead of what you think other people want.

Love On.

p.s. -  Get in touch with me at:
Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash

Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Love Trigger

Red hearts.

Cute red hearts, sloppy red hearts, sloshy red hearts, romantic red hearts, modern red hearts, sexy red hearts, obligatory red hearts, sappy red hearts, romantic red hearts, love filled red hearts - they’re everywhere.
Red heart riot!

On cards. On socks. On Candy. On underwear. On stuffed animals. Red hearts dance their way through texts, posts and in letters.

Red hearts of all shapes, sizes, and shades have once again returned to stores in anticipation of valentine’s day. Yep. They line the card shelves waiting to be purchased and given. They await the meaning you give to them.

Red hearts are symbols. Symbols trigger feelings inside. They evoke the whole spectrum of emotion from cold loneliness to warm unconditional love.

Yep, I get it that some of us never want to see a red heart again. I honor that feeling. We have been hurt and red hearts and other symbols of love remind of us deep soul crushing pain. Whether the hurt is old and musty or very raw and new, symbols of love can call up the feeling of separation and loneliness.

Any feelings about love and red hearts are valid.

If red hearts trigger sadness inside for you, I am asking you to reconsider and remember. Remember love comes in all colors, flavors and depths. There are as many types of love as there are different snowflakes. Find a love that warms you and has nothing to do with other people.

Shift to your inner love consciousness.

Dig deep inside of yourself and remember the love that connects you with the energy of all that is. Reunite with your internal love and light. Revisit and refresh the magnificence and light that you are. Nobody on the planet has your combination of experiences, gifts, love and light.

Unconditional love is an amazing, brilliant, sparkling, moving light. It flickers, follows, forms and befriends. It heals, mends and connects us. It is in everything. It infuses and includes.

You have this light. You are lovable, loved and loving as you are in this present moment. Now. Can you shift and remember to shine/share your love light?

Love light can’t be bought or sold. It can’t be captured, bottled or printed in a card. It is forever changing and free. Until we learn how to share and represent this infinite light and unconditional love on everything from socks to sonnets, I guess red hearts will have to do. Red hearts are okay, for now.

Here’s to your own gorgeous glimmer of love and light.

Love On.

 p.s. -want to get in touch? message me here:
Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash