Do you ever feel slightly off when you try to make everyone else
happy before yourself? When you offer your help to other people and they barely
notice? When you run out of steam and
time before you get to do what you would like to do?
That’s people pleasing for you. It drains and disappoints. People pleasing
will never, ever fill you up. Not from the outside in, no and no.
Might you also have learned that self-care is selfish? If so, gentle one, you have been misled. Putting
everybody else before you help yourself is a path to feeling bone tired
exhaustion. Resentment. Confusion.
Change it up, flip those old mindsets and start caring for
yourself in a profound way. You are going to be with yourself for the rest of
your life, so why not enjoy it? You are your best friend forever, it’s time you
act like it.
Self-care is generous, kind and restorative. Self-care is anything but selfish if it helps you
feel recharged and ready to face a new day. Self-care that allows you to
interact and assist from high energy is a gift to you and anyone you meet. Self-care
naturally radiates out from you to other people with ease and in abundance.
Begin to honor your own inner magnificence with my simple
Sleep – get plenty of it
E Eat
– several small healthy meals and drink abundant water
Exercise - get moving to move and
release your emotions
D Do –
something that helps you feel productive
S See
– your connection to everything (your life energy connects you to all energy)
Do you, your way. Go to what you love to do. Connect with
what ticks your energy up and helps you feel alive and engaged. Remember what
gives you the tingles and makes you laugh.
Give yourself permission to be kind to yourself.
Start small and ease into treating yourself well. Take good
care of yourself to connect with your genuine happiness and joy. Joy is your
birthright and a sure pathway to more joy. Go for your joy and share it.
Share you instead of what you think other people want.
Love On.
p.s. - Get in touch
with me at:
Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash
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