Thursday, December 27, 2018

F**k New Year's Love Resolutions

Unless they really work for you.

In that case, go you!

Genuine fulfillment isn’t going to arrive in another broken resolution

It isn’t external.

Profound fulfillment is sourced inside of you now

Always has been

Always will be.

New Year’s is a fabulous time to unlearn the toxic social conditioning that most of us have learned too well:

We aren’t our relationships

We aren’t if we are with a partner or not

We aren’t our appearance

We aren’t our finances

We aren’t our health

We are enough.

We are our core heart and how much we choose to share of it.

In a way that excites and terrifies us simultaneously.

As we close out 2018, I have a challenge for you if you want to accept it.

Are you up for it?

How open hearted and vulnerable are you willing to be?

How much of your love are you willing to apply to your life in 2019?

How much love are you willing to give and receive in 2019?

What are your unconditional love goals?

We need your loving piece of the puzzle.

How will you challenge yourself to grow while contributing to the greater whole of the world?

I am honestly interested in your answers and thoughts.  No judgment. Comment or message me.

Listening . . .

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- message me here: or if you want to schedule a free 30 minute call with me, click here:

Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash

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