Thursday, January 3, 2019

Are You a Love Lurker?

No judgment

Judgment is the opposite of love

No judgment

Because we all do it

Read and watch without commenting

Keep our opinions and feelings quiet

For a powerful reason

Maybe not to remember or bring up pain

Maybe to spare someone being hurt

Maybe not to interact

But here’s the thing:

We need to share our ideas, emotions, feelings, opinions, dreams, embarrassments, silliness, laughter and pain about all types of love because the more we share, the more we learn, the more we can help each other.




On our shared love journey


In this moment

In this space


When we share what matters to us most about any love, we bring our emotions to light and offer their information to our personal and then collective awareness’

We begin to shift from fear towards unconditional love

We increase the compassion we give to each other

We shine more love out into the world

And you know where that leads

To more mutual understanding, empathy and kindness

To valuing everyone’s contribution

Helping us to plan and take action on

Solutions that will overwhelm our challenges

And consciously create relationships we can enjoy

A planet beginning to shift to more unconditional love

Of cooperation, coherence and patience

Of shared unity and inclusion

A world we dream of

A world sourced in love

If you lurk

Or if you don’t

No judgment

When you are ready, we welcome your respectful opinions, ideas and feelings about love

Now is the time

This is the place

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- message me here: or if you want to schedule a free 30 minute call with me, click here:

Photo by Dave Sebele on Unsplash

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