Friday, December 30, 2016
A Fresh Start
Here we are again at the close of another year.
Here we are at the beginning of a fresh year.
Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Are they effective for you? Do they help you achieve? If so, great!
If not, do they leave you feeling disappointed and/or guilty?
Deciding to change isn't enough. You must first release the thoughts that no longer serve you. Begin with releasing your limiting beliefs. (I hate running, I can not run) Replace your limiting beliefs with new thoughts and beliefs. (I can run a few steps) Take small actions first and then incrementally increase your actions to match your new mindset (I can run half a block) See what happens and adjust to what feels good for you.
Remember, once you make a decision, you can always make another and another and another. Few choices are black and white or do or die as we have been taught to believe.
Drawing a hard line in the sand with creating New Years Resolutions without first changing your beliefs, will not change your behavior. Thoughts drive beliefs, beliefs drive behavior.
Here's to YOU in 2017!
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
You Wear It Well
You wear new shoes, or a party dress, or a smile, or perfume, or a beard, or a hat. . . or nothing at all.
What is attractive about you? What attracts you in others?
genuine confidence
beginner's grace
eye twinkles
an open and loving heart
respected body
crow's feet
What about you?
So tell me, what about you is attractive?
And what attracts you?
Friday, December 23, 2016
Dashing Through the Stress
This time of year is a high energy time of year. Goodwill, stress, love, competition, pride - it seems to be a mash up of every emotion on the spectrum.
All stress is self induced, you can choose to self sooth and feel better.
If you are upset, become aware of how you are feeling, take a breath and understand why you are upset. Then release the upset and choose a better feeling by shifting your thoughts.
Use your emotions help you align with what feels better.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Make Somebody's Day
Physically sending more unconditional love out into the world:
Friday, December 16, 2016
Out With The Old
Do you focus on problems or solutions?
If you focus on problems - you get more of them.
If you focus on solutions - you get more of them.
What you focus on expands in your thoughts.
Problems and solutions are bound;
If there is no solution, there is no problem.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
You Better Watch In
"Learn to love yourself 'cause if you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else."~RuPaul
So direct, on-point and wise.
Many of you have been taught that there is a soulmate or "the one" out there for you. You seekk to find the love that will complete you.
You are complete now. You do not need to be fixed. Why give away your happiness and your sovereignty to someone else? Your emotions are your friendly advisers and your responsibility. Life long love is not outside of you, it is in your heart.
Unconditional Love starts with your genuine self-love and blooms.
Friday, December 9, 2016
All is Bright
my holiday spirit is alive
it isn't in the shopping or stress. it's not in the pressure or presents. not even in the food or fanfare.
it is sourced in my heart and it's reflected in the light. in all colors and shapes and sizes of sparkle. it's in the twinkle, the shine and laughter.
Glow on.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Hold Steady
The intention you approach your challenges and experiences with influences your results. Are you nervous, fearful or angry when you deal with your challenges? Or are you calm, positive or open-minded/open-hearted?
Consciously choose your mindset and to see new results.
Friday, December 2, 2016
Health Report
All stress is self induced stress.
People often tell me how stressed they are, especially at this time of year. A free tool to reduce stress is mindful breathing. Focus on your breath. Breathe comfortably and in your own rhythm. Feel and focus on your breath and feel yourself unwind. Let it go. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
image courtesy of Simon Howden at
Sparkling lights in the trees, hot chocolate, warmth of a fire, singing, silent snow.
The holidays are arriving.
The holiday season can be a tough time of year for many people. Some of us feel more alone on holidays than other times of the year. Is it the diminishing amount of sunlight as the northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun? Is it a perception of feeling lonely v. enjoying alone time? Is it financial pressure? Is it the pressure of meeting unreal societal expectations? Is it family drama?
What is your emotional compass? What keeps you centered no matter what is happening? What helps you feel alive and connected during the end of the year and holidays? What are you looking forward to now?
Friday, November 25, 2016
In Private
image courtesy of nuchylee at
What are your beliefs that you will not compromise on?
Are there any of your beliefs that hold you back?
What are the benefits of your limiting beliefs?
Do they help you play small?
Can you see any reason to release a limiting belief?
What would happen if you do?
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
image courtesy of winnond at
expansion v. contraction
active v. still
laughter v. tears
confidence v. insecurity
aggressive v. passive
certain v. doubtful
inclusion v. exclusion
open minded v. certain
healthy v. sick
stressed v. peaceful
sensitive v. shut off
productive v. bored
internal v. external
fulfillment v. empty
connected v. separate
responsibility v. blame
hope v. despair
celebration v. shame
Nothing about human emotions are consistent. Choose what feels better to you and take baby steps to get there. Small shifts create big results
Friday, November 18, 2016
You are One
image courtesy of arztsamui at
What is your overlay?
An overlay is the one thing in the world, that if it would happen, your life would be so much better. You would be happy. It usually involves your health, finances or love.
Your overlay influences your perspective and approach and somehow is always present. It is helpful in that it helps you clarify what you want. It is sometimes painful or unhelpful because you perceive yourself as separate from it.
If you can connect to your joy and happiness before you achieve that one thing or combination of things that you perceive will make you happy, everything is yours.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Stop the Spin
You can't think your way to love, you have to feel your way to love. This means honoring all emotions. Your emotions guide and help you like trusted advisors. Emotions that are feared or repressed result in blocks.
To embrace your emotions: Allow them, learn from them and release them. Move emotions through your body to clear your blocks and feel better.
A simple tool for you to use is your own personal Emotional GPS to choose a more joyful life: Move closer to what feels better to you and move away from what doesn't feel good to you.
Trust and love your internal wisdom.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Dating Rules
image courtesy of nirots at
What is wrong with dating rules?
Nothing if they help you connect with more Unconditional Love.
What is wrong with dating rules?
They imply love has rules, it does not.
Trust your heart.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Room at the Table
image courtesy of cuteimage at
Can we evolve from the I win, you lose mindset to take care of, help and lift each other up? We face issues and challenges that take all of our resources and working together instead of fighting each other.
It starts inside.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Define Yourself
One of the biggest relationship mistakes you can make: Trying to be what you think your partner wants you to be.
Although this is a loving intention, it is misguided. You can not think for your partner so you can not possibly know what they want. If they do communicate clearly to you what they want, how long can you put what they want you to be before who you are? Is it worth it to you to be in a relationship where you are not seen, heard, understood, accepted and loved exactly the way you are now?
Keep this clear and loving boundary to enjoy more unconditional love in your relationships.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Mars v Venus
Men and women are from different planets.
Have we evolved beyond this suffocating and separating mindset yet?
Stop with the painful stereotypes and generalizations. Unconditional love has no boundaries. Love comes in many flavors, colors and energies. We heal, thrive and become unlimited when are allowed to be ourselves, when we share unconditional love.
Planet love is home.
Have we evolved beyond this suffocating and separating mindset yet?
Stop with the painful stereotypes and generalizations. Unconditional love has no boundaries. Love comes in many flavors, colors and energies. We heal, thrive and become unlimited when are allowed to be ourselves, when we share unconditional love.
Planet love is home.
image courtesy of vectorolie at
Friday, October 28, 2016
Amp Up the Action
image courtesy of hyenareality at
It starts with a twinge. . . . .
or maybe a funny gut feeling
and progresses to uncomfortable.
You know what I mean, that fearful feeling that keeps you stuck. You can't reason or analyze your way through your block. You can't shake it either.
Fear keeps you stuck. Fear keeps you safe and small.
Until it doesn't. Until you decide it is a key to joy for you. Don't fight or resist your fear, don't make it stronger. Meet your fear full on, welcome it and proceed anyway. Integrate your fear and do it anyway. Your fear is pointing you to where the great stuff is.
The obstacle is the way.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Self Talk
image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
What is the difference between being lonely and alone?
To me, it is the emotional energy.
Lonely is I have judged myself as separate and I am sad because of my thoughts.
Alone is I am observing my physical situation without judgment and I am neutral.
What are your thoughts?
Friday, October 21, 2016
You Say
that the election and things are messed up right now and you can't make a difference.
I respectfully disagree.
Every time you smile at someone you don't know, hold the door open for someone, let another car in front of you in traffic, pay for someone's coffee or infuse more compassion into a situation in your own way, without expectations, you are making a difference.
Infuse love into what you do during your day and you are helping the whole planet shift into more love.
Real change starts inside of you and moves out.
I respectfully disagree.
Every time you smile at someone you don't know, hold the door open for someone, let another car in front of you in traffic, pay for someone's coffee or infuse more compassion into a situation in your own way, without expectations, you are making a difference.
Infuse love into what you do during your day and you are helping the whole planet shift into more love.
Real change starts inside of you and moves out.
image courtesy of MR LIGHTMAN at
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Sealed With a Kiss
image courtesy of namakuki at
Unconditional love is like a water faucet.
Trying to fill up with someone else's love from the outside to your inside is temporary. They are the faucet and they control the flow. The flow can leave you.
Unconditional love is inside of you. Play in it. Fill up in it from the inside. It is your strength and genuine empowerment. It naturally flows from you out.
you are your forever love.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Your Time to Shine
image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Do you schedule quiet or still time with yourself? Consistently with no distractions? No electronics? Off grid?
Quiet and still time allows you to hear your internal wisdom. It allows you connect to your dreams and your answers.
Find a safe place, close your eyes and breathe enjoyably.
You can't do it wrong.
Do it and see what happens.
Access the LIGHT within.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Kicking Back
image courtesy of stockdevil at
Some say becoming centered happens in conscious rhythmic breathing.
Some say becoming centered and connecting with your heart happens the split second between breaths.
Some never notice.
What do you do?
How does it help you feel?
Friday, October 7, 2016
At Your Command
image courtesy of stock images at
Reboot, refresh, reinvigorate, replenish, reiterate, return, remember
The re's have it.
We remind ourselves of important ideas, tasks and events frequently.
When did you last remember or remind yourself to connect with the unconditional love in your heart?
Reheart to feel fabulous and bring more love to our planet.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
This Love's For You
How much do you love yourself?
A little?
A lot?
Self love is a game changer.
If you are not gentle, kind and non-judgmental with yourself, you can not be gentle, kind and loving with another person. The way you treat yourself is the way you treat others unless you are insincere.
Why not become your own best friend? You will be with you for your whole life.
Why not become the person you want to date? If you are looking for another person to complete you, you are putting too much pressure on yourself and your partner.
Why not begin with you?
A little?
A lot?
Self love is a game changer.
If you are not gentle, kind and non-judgmental with yourself, you can not be gentle, kind and loving with another person. The way you treat yourself is the way you treat others unless you are insincere.
Why not become your own best friend? You will be with you for your whole life.
Why not become the person you want to date? If you are looking for another person to complete you, you are putting too much pressure on yourself and your partner.
Why not begin with you?
image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Friday, September 30, 2016
Time Bends
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles
I imagine a situation or experience I am not a part of and I shift into fear.
The Fear of Missing Out fascinates me.
I believe most humans experience it at some time. It's a bit like time traveling in our imagination to an experience we are not having and feeling excluded. We visualize a future occurrence and then feel bad that we are not there. To me, it feels like self induced worry energy.
Does the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) influence you if you want a long term relationship? How does it or how does in not affect you personally?
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
The Bridge Less Taken
You get to choose for yourself:
You can close your heart to love and wonder what might of been.
You can choose to open your heart to love and be vulnerable. You can acknowledge that conditional love has hurt you in the past and then make the conscious choice to grow beyond the pain.
What do you choose and where will it take you?
You can close your heart to love and wonder what might of been.
You can choose to open your heart to love and be vulnerable. You can acknowledge that conditional love has hurt you in the past and then make the conscious choice to grow beyond the pain.
What do you choose and where will it take you?
image courtesy of
Friday, September 23, 2016
Dinner For One
Your chosen closed heart attempts to keep you safe from emotional pain.
Your half hearted intentions bring you half joy.
Your consciously open heart is a conscious choice to be vulnerable and receive unconditional love.
image courtesy of hadkhanong at
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
I Wanna Know
photo by istock images
When was the last time you hugged someone?
How did you hug them?
Did you put your arms around them and keep from touching bodies?
Did you hug them close to your body?
Did you stop and enjoy the connection energy?
Did you wonder when your hug would end?
Did you hug them for outside appearances or inside bonding?
Were you 100% present in your hug?
What was the most profound hug you have experienced?
Friday, September 16, 2016
Please allow my to properly introduce myself: My name is Risa.
I am a lover. I am a mother, daughter, sister, aunt, dreamer, and elder.
I am a love channel. I am a Relationship Coach. I have been coaching since August 2008.
I coach because it helps me connect and share my passion, my purpose and my cause.
My passion is to help the planet shift to unconditional love.
My purpose is to be or service.
My cause is to connect more people with unconditional love and healing.
I look forward to learning about your love perspectives.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
In the Beginning
Unconditional Love is a fabulous place to begin my new blog.
From wiki:
Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations or love without conditions
I will be writing about, observing, and exploring the intracacies of unconditional love here. I will connect to you and through unconditional love. I will spout, scatter, strew and expand love without limits.
Here's to us and the expansion of more unconditional love on our planet.
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