I've definitely done it.
Not spoken up.
Not expressed an opinion.
Not added our 2 cents worth.
I did it when I didn't want to upset someone. I chased an opportunity to speak up away because I didn't want to cause trouble. . . or make waves. . . or be rude. I put my friends' and family's feelings before my own.
Sound familiar?
I've bitten my tongue more times than I can count in my life. Every time I decided to censor or oppress myself in order to people please or keep the peace, I chose not to be true to myself. Not to express my truth. Not to share from an authentic empowered intention. Not to give a clear view of me.
Not anymore.
Keeping quiet felt okay until it didn't. Now it feels awful and I don't do it. I have learned that every time I stifle my voice or don't express my opinions or feelings, I lose a little bit of myself. A chance to respectfully speak my truth dissolves and crumbles away into oblivion and I feel cheated.
Feeling cheated by myself is unacceptable.
By not honoring my own voice, I hurt not only myself but also the people I spoke with. I unknowingly gave other people the permission to treat me the way I was treating myself. When I didn't value my thoughts and feelings enough to express them, they didn't value them either.
Now it's your turn.
Do you know that thought process when you weigh what you want to say against the reaction it might receive? I stopped it and I want you to stop it too if that feels right for you. Instead express your voice. Use the old temptation to gage what you want to say against the reaction it will receive as a road sign, or red flag or call to action to respectfully express your thoughts and feelings.
Share your thoughts, intentions and feelings from your inner wisdom and genuine strength. You might find, like I did, the more you do it the more you can do it and the better it feels. Not only do you speak your truth from a place of genuine empowerment, but you release those old self chosen blocks and gain clarity.
Practice makes progress.
I realize that not all situations encourage respectful dialogue and I gage those situations. Sometimes not speaking up can be a strategy for survival. I get that. I don't believe there is a one size fits all approach to communication and that's the challenge I believe we all can meet.
Speak in your truthful voice from centered self-love, and model it in all your relationships. We need your input and value your contribution in connecting. Use your empowered voice to express yourself. Your contribution is on you.