Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Amber Alert: "The One"

Bliss. Acceptance. Physical touch.

Having someone love you feels amazing. Beyond words. Few things feel better.

So you received the idea that love comes from the outside into your heart. And sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn't.

What can you do when feel alone and separated from love? How can you turn on the love faucet that you have inside right now?

Close your eyes now. You were born to imagine, allow yourself to imagine. Picture in vivid and healing detail:

A time when you felt completely safe and happy. Imagine that you are cuddled up in a clean warm white blanket. You feel snug and secure. Stay with this feeling and grow it. Consciously expand this feeling of being protected within yourself.  Feel the soft cotton on your cheek, smell the fresh air and sunshine that dried the blanket and absorb the light and infinite warmth that embrace you. 

Breathe gently and know that in this moment all is well. You are in touch with your inner source of strength and wisdom. Deep inside you are connected. You are one with everything.

This is an unconditional love visualization tool. Put this self soothing tool in your tool belt. Use this or your personal memory of unconditional love to feel more at ease, more calm and peaceful inside. Anytime, anywhere. 

Stop laughing at "go to your happy place" and try it. Stop waiting for someone else to take you there. Start adding more harmony to yourself and everything you do. 

Love yourself from the inside. Your relationship with unconditional love will elevate, amplify and enhance every relationship you have now and will have.

Imagine what a love relationship would be like when the partners love themselves deeply and choose to share this love from an intention of discovery and bonding instead of desperation and neediness. They love themselves and create a new and different love together to explore and enjoy. 

Blows the doors off waiting to be rescued.

for more and to get your free love guide, click here:

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Photo by Joe Mania on Unsplash

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