Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Lied to Much?

It seems like there is a bit of upset in the air lately. Rage. Static. Fear. Lies. 

I get it. You have been lied to repeatedly and it's frustrating, unfair and just plain confusing:

you might have been lead to believe there is a quick fix or pill for everything

or more money will solve all your problems 

or your
soulmate will understand you more than you understand yourself. 

Nope. Not true.

You are the only one who can save yourself. So stop looking for your solutions outside of yourself. Every resource you spend chasing something outside of yourself is misdirected. You can not fill up from the outside in with food, people, material things, shopping, video games, porn, exercise, alcohol, drugs, gambling or thrills.

Being in perfect health won't do it

Winning the lottery won't do it

Finding your soulmate won't do it

No one or nothing is going to empower you to make your life as you dream and know it can be for you, except YOU. No one knows you better than you, so trust yourself. Believe in yourself. 

Empower yourself. You are the only one who can do it. 

Peace, love and fulfillment are inside you now. Remember them. Reacquaint yourself with what you have always known. Listen to your intuition, your voice and your wisdom. Understand and share them. True empowerment is sourced within and radiates from you. 

You can do it.

It will be incredibly hard work.
It will be extremely rewarding. 

Life isn't happening to you, life is happening through you and the moment you flip the script, everything changes. Tune into what you have inside and all the background noise fades. . . 

Instead of being fed up with stuff that doesn't work, use that energy to feed your talents, strengths and gifts. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind. Create an incredible journey, life and joy for yourself. The definition of empowerment. 

Love on. 

***For more of this grab a free copy of your free guide:
5 Steps to Find Your Forever Love Even if You Hate Dating Games at

my website:

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