Thursday, April 12, 2018

Backwards and In High Heels

Tony Robbins.

I have watched, read and listened to many Tony Robbins videos, books and audios. I usually agree with a lot of what he says.

Then his #MeToo videos went viral. The videos of a female at one of his seminars asking him about the #MeToo movement. Robbins responds that it is a play for significance and then goes into an explanation of how a few of his powerful male friends are having second thoughts about hiring attractive females because of the #MeToo movement.

Say what?

This is so far from the empathy he usually espouses.

It’s his experience and I respect that. I don’t respect equating sexual abuse survival struggle with making it hard for his friends to hire qualified job candidates.

Robbins subsequent walk speaks volumes. He uses his tall, intimidating frame to walk this female backwards in an “exercise” to me that physically demonstrates his lack of empathy for her experience.

I am reminded of the Ann Richards quote: “Women have been doing everything men can do, backwards and in high heels.” as Robbins walks her backwards literally and figuratively.

Sorry Tony, to me that is bullying.

Next, I read his polished public apology on Face Book. I am baffled once again. I don’t know if this is a heartfelt apology or a clever attempt to do damage control and/or win back lost followers.

And to me, it doesn’t really matter because how can we ever know for certain someone’s intentions and motives in any relationship? We have their words and their actions. Talk and walk.

What now? We move on with a little more knowledge. We move on with more information about ourselves.

With more clarity about what we want and what we don’t want. To me, now is not the time to draw a line in the sand. Yet again.

It’s not about being right. It’s about learning from each other.

Can we begin to respond in a new way? Are you game? Instead of taking a side and bolstering our opinions with convincing information and arguments, let’s pivot.

Let’s stop identifying with and defending our points of view.

Let’s send all parties involved compassion, empathy and non-judgment. Let’s go further and send compassion, empathy and non-judgment to everyone viewing and consuming this information, rather than picking a side and clinging to it.

Human interactions are messy and imperfect. We all have fucked up interactions every day and yet we do our best. We pick ourselves and each other up.  It’s time to dust ourselves off. Judgment stops here as soon as we decide it does.

Are you listening Tony?

Love On,


p.s. - You are worthy of less judgment and more love. Absorb that. Check out my free love guide to help you get started:

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