Thursday, July 19, 2018

Layers in Love

What Do You Call It? The feeling of being alive?

Your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath, living energy, chi, prana, ki, divine spark, god presence, life force?

Do you consciously feel it? What do you call the energy inside of you that connects you to all energy everywhere?

I call it big love. Unconditional love is big love. It is inclusive, non-judgmental, nonreligious and cohesive. I speak big love out into the world.

It doesn’t matter what you call unconditional love as much as that you feel it in your core. It matters that you set aside time in your busy life to get still and listen to it. It matters that you feel it’s presence and not just think of it’s presence. It matters that you know it lives within you. It matters that you have always had, have now and always will have this love power within.

It matters that you gift yourself with it.

It matters that you are big love expressing as yourself and big love expresses itself through you. It matters that we come from big love and we return to big love.

It matters that it blows away feelings/thoughts of separation. It matters that you know you are not alone.

It matters that you close your eyes and remember it. It matters that you connect with it on a deep level. It matters that you honor and nurture it. It matters that you embrace it to be genuinely confident and empowered.

It matters that you choose it. It matters that you can choose to add it to any situation and all your relationships to add more harmony. It matters that you get to go forward and use it to help create what you dream of.

Call it what feels right to you, remember it, connect with it, call on it. It matters.

Gaining clarity on your connection with and to this shared love energy is the first step to creating a life you love.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

I offer practical steps to help you add more big love to your life now.  Want to continue the conversation? Choose a time that works for you to talk with me here (it’s free by the way):

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