Thursday, August 2, 2018

Spring Board to More Love

Self-love is often misunderstood. Or shamed. And that has got to change. 

Self-love is the key to shift to more joy in our personal lives and to more love on the planet. 

Self-love is not happy talk.

Self-love is not selfish.

Self-love isn’t only thinking of our self, it is about taking responsibility for our emotions and actions so that other people don’t have to.

Self-love is treating ourselves as well as we have been taught to treat a partner, a lover, a best friend or our pets.

Self-love is refusing to belittle or harshly judge our self.

Self-love is healthy self-care to feel our best to enliven our dreams.

Self-love is the place to start.

A springboard.

To create our passion and purpose.

Self-love helps us release what doesn’t serve us anymore:

People pleasing


Waiting for someone to save us



Self-love is a personal and a global love gamechanger.

Genuine, deeply felt self-love ripples out from our hearts to everyone around us naturally. Self-love holds space for other people to love themselves. It allows people to decide if they want a love relationship from an energy of empowerment, not desperation.

Good bye clingy, hello real.

Self-love encourages, supports, unifies, includes, helps heal and appreciates all beings and the oneness of all.

No misunderstanding here.

Love On,

Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships

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