Thursday, August 30, 2018

To Affair or Not To Affair

They met in secret before he was single

He promised he would leave soon

The thrill

The danger

The shared memories of

Whispered conversations

Little lies

Stolen sparks

Secret dates and forbidden sex

Led to intoxication

He didn’t leave

She pressed

He stalled

She cried out of control

They left each other

She felt betrayed by herself

They both carried an ugly guilt

Of a shadow relationship

That left them alone to deal with a new level of pain

And more loneliness


I see it often with my clients:  affairs leave deep jagged heart scars.

Don’t choose to hurt yourself this way.

Don’t hurt your lover’s other.

Don’t choose a life of waiting

And wondering when you will be left for another.

Don’t fall for sticky nicknames and empty promises.

Don’t embrace a future born in dishonesty.


You are enough

You are worthy of whole hearted love.

You are love.

Don’t settle.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

P.S. – Take a new, bigger step to love that lasts with my FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call with me. Pick a time that works for you to talk with me here:

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

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