Thursday, November 1, 2018

Self Care Shame

Refuse it

Self-care is a subtle reframe

It refreshes and recharges us

Helps us remember who we really are at our loving core

Self-care is anything but selfish

A massage


Reading a fantastic book or binge watching a tv series

A quick run in the park

Getting eyelash extensions

Enjoying wonderful food and drink

Spending 10 minutes in quiet time to listen to our inner wisdom

Dancing alone to a favorite song

Giving ourselves a break from heart crushing negativity or criticism

Nurturing what makes us who we are

Self-care comes in all shapes, sizes, flavors, intensities and personal choices. It energizes us to our inner depths when we raise more energy than we started with. Self-care replenishes what nobody else can provide for us.


Genuine self-care is one of the few ways we give ourselves permission to treat ourselves as well as we treat others. To love ourselves up. To absorb and inhabit the kindnesses we usually give. To connect with our well-being.

Self-care feels deeply delicious, it is all feeling.

Feeling well

Feeling whole

Living large in our light for no other reason than we can

We feel self-care in the reaches of our inner universes

If we rationally analyze it and don’t feel it, it is pointless. We have missed an incredible opportunity to treat ourselves the way we want to be treated and to hold space for other people to treat us as lovingly

It’s all feels

Self-love and self-care are the opposites of self-judgment. Yet, you might be surprised at how many of us judge our own self-care.

Or do without.

Because someone shamed us when we thought to take care for ourselves at a healing level. Told us we were selfish. Judged us for wanting to fill up on fulfillment from the inside.

They don’t get it, but you do

Heart-felt self-care ripples and radiates out from our heart centers to everyone, everywhere. From authentic unconditional love creating an expansive, beautiful contagion

So long selfish

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- to unlearn judgment and for more self-love, schedule your FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call with me at a time that works for you.  Click here to schedule your call:

Photo by Michel Catalisano on Unsplash  

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