Thursday, February 21, 2019

Mind Blown and Heart Broken

No matter where you have ventured or where you are now with love, please

Use your brilliant imagination to visualize

A brutal love paradigm

Where love is bartered

And sourced outside of ourselves

Where we need to bring love from the outside

Into our hearts

Through a significant partner or other people or food or alcohol or drugs or a million other “things”

That is the only way

To feel loved

It’s like having the wind beaten out of our lungs

Mind blown and heart broken

We learn this from society and from

Amazing people who were taught to survive and love

And somehow made it through this heart crushing maze

Of shame, guilt, anger, embarrassment and

Feeling separated from the love they craved

Over and over


The definition of loneliness

That brings us to our knees

In the darkest nights of our souls

Encourages us to judge ourselves

If we are not partnered up with our soul mate, significant other or loved one

Breathe deeply and leave this old trap behind


We are evolving out of this soul crushing mindset

And into

More love


Ask me how


Love On,

Risa Kelley

p.s.- I have plenty of new information, visualizations, exercise and accountability for your new love mindsets, schedule your FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call with me at a time that works for you.  Click here to schedule your call: 

Photo by Joyce McCown on Unsplash

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