Thursday, April 25, 2019

If Your Love is Strong

Everything is energy

Emotions are energy

Fear is energy

Love is energy

Inside and out

If we are not in physical danger

Fear is a thought

Love is a thought

Fear and love are on opposite ends of the emotional spectrum

Every choice we make is based in fear or love

Getting away from fear

Getting close to love

But what if they are gifts in each other?

Fear is low level energy




Easy to resist, yet resistance makes fear stronger

When we choose to focus on fear

Become aware of fear

Sit with our fear

Even though our instincts are screaming at us to flee

When we choose to stay present with fear, learn from it and let it go

We survive

We get stronger

When we choose to allow and learn from our low energy emotions

Like fear, anger and shame

We can begin to

Unlearn what has hurt us

In the past and

Choose to consciously respond

Instead of reacting

To mindfully take a moment to contemplate

Begin to free ourselves from

The trauma we lived

And start to heal

When we make this choice

We naturally move closer to more love

The self-love we hold within our hearts now

The love inside

That elevates and is infinite

That connects everyone

The choice is ours

It isn’t all or nothing

Fear or Love

The choice is to become aware of and

Move all emotions and energy through our well beings

Keep our energy fluid

For the Fear and Love inside

And each other

The choice is ours

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want personal support with re-embracing your heart wisdom, message me here:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by Gigi on Unsplash

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