Thursday, April 11, 2019

Pull Me Closer

Romantic relationship break ups shred us

The end of a love relationship you want to continue is one of the most emotionally, physically and intellectually heart shredding experiences ever

Beyond words sad, lonely and spinning

And yet

If someone wasn’t ready or able to love you like you want

That is information you can choose to use to help yourself

Help yourself

A break up can lead you to more rich real love that lasts lifetimes


Not rejection

When you have wept, grieved, let go and begun to heal

You can begin to see a break up in a new light

In the clouds parting kind of light

Being without someone romantically is an opportunity

A window of time

To pull yourself closer

And gift yourself with

A moment to get clear on where love is sourced

And that is inside

Love is sourced within you

Not through them

Not through other people, places and things

When you go to your depths

To love into your darkness

And your light

You release the need to have someone else do it for you

You become emotionally responsible

To never feel the need for someone else to love you more than you do


Free yourself

And step into your light and empowerment

Genuine, rock solid strength

When you connect to the divine unconditional love you carry with you

And remember

It connects you with all love energy everywhere

You embrace unshakeable authentic confidence

In knowing that no one can reject or accept you

Except you

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- I have a loads of free information to help you. Start with my free 5 Step Love Guide to embrace more self-love. Click here to receive it: 

p.s.s.- If you want personal support with re-embracing your heart wisdom, message me here:

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