Thursday, April 4, 2019

A Lover's Mindset

Assigning fault in relationships is worthless

And yet we blame ourselves


We have learned that relationships are successes

Or failures

When maybe

The all or nothing, rich or poor, good or bad, winner or loser mindsets

Hurt us

If the only ways we see ourselves

Are harshly through each other’s eyes

We set ourselves up for pain and separation

Can we transform and shift this shit?

Soften the cages we keep ourselves in

So, our lives begin to change

Expand and lighten up


In ways that we couldn’t predict

When we were pointing the sharp fingers of blame

Maybe it’s not so much all or nothing

But a fusion

Of many, angles, perspectives and views?

When we start to look lovingly at ourselves

With true appreciation

To see the beauty of the light and love we hold within

We begin again

Free ourselves

From the unrelenting judgment

That keeps us each isolated and lonely in our little

Self-created prison cells

Of social conditioning, control, comparison and competition

Then we elevate further

Once we embrace our own light

We can see the love and light in each other

Everyone, everywhere


Envision and act on

A new loving future we create


See you in the sunlit fields

Inside and out

To love ourselves and each other up

Way up 

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- I have a loads of free information to help you. Start with my free 5 Step Love Guide to embrace more self-love. Click here to receive it:  

p.s.s.- If you want personal support with re-embracing your heart wisdom, message me here:

Photo by Daoudi Aissa on Unsplash

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