Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Whisper of Love that Haunts You to Help You

Do you know a quote that goes something like this?

“When you stop needing something, you are free to receive it.”

What’s your response to it?

It really applies to love

Especially unconditional love

We have been programmed to believe love is outside of ourselves

So, we search for it

And we all know how painful it is

To long for something we don’t have

For something we have tried and tried

To capture

Only to have our hearts shattered and shredded


By love’s absence

So much so that we may not to try to find love again


Time to release the beliefs that hold us hostage

Because it is in the seeking

Or the finding

That we are lost

We are not separate from love

Not apart from it

We are love

We hold love

We carry with us every minute of every day

We have been programmed to seek it outside of ourselves

When it is sourced within us

Within our broken or healing hearts

We have learned to forget that love is our greatest strength

Our beautiful empowerment

We are never alone

We were love, we are love now and we will always be love

Because the light love we have inside us

Connects us to love energy everywhere and always

The love that whispers to us when we feel sad, separate or lonely

Is reminding us that it

Love is alive


In our body, mind and spirit

Love craves expression


We are loved, loving and loveable now

Instead of searching for what we have had

All along

We can begin to shift

To remembering what is inside

Our hearts and

Appreciate it

Nurture it

Share it

For when we stop seeking what is naturally ours

We are free to receive it

Be the love you seek

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want help with re-embracing your heart wisdom, click here for your Free Love Guide:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by Matt Nelson on Unsplash

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