Thursday, June 6, 2019

I Found Someone to Take Your Place


Attachment is feeling joy

Through another

Person, place, experience, idea, thing or pet

Instead of through ourselves

Attachment causes suffering

Suffering is optional


Our challenge then becomes

To feel authentically joyful

Inside first

To remove the NEED of feeling it through


Or something else

To reclaim responsibility for

Our emotions

From grief to joy

And absorb the information the entire colorful spectrum

Of feelings

Offer us

Each one of us

So that we may choose

To help ourselves


Center and

Feel better

Not avoiding but

Using our emotions

To relieve the pressure

And responsibility

Of emotional attachment

To and through someone else

Or something else

For our sovereignty and


Emotional empowerment leads to more

Healthy and

Loving Relationships and

Less suffering and

Less attachment

Let’s do this together

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want help with re-embracing your heart wisdom, click here for your Free Love Guide:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

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