I notice a striking theme in my face book comments about love and relationships.
Have you seen it too? Some people comment along the lines of: all the good men are gone, there are no women
anymore for me, I suck at relationships, there is no hope, I’m too old
for love or are you crazy! (usually a bit more profane, but you get the
Wow! That is a whole lotta energy. Sorry/not sorry to lay it down here.
Let’s start with what all these comments have in common. They are
limiting beliefs. Closed doors. Predicted outcomes. Blocked energy. Reasons not
to try again.
And if you truly have given up, stop reading this. Go no further.
Return to your life as you know it to be.
You might think I don’t understand. But I get it. Our experiences with
love lead some of us to believe that we can predict the future. Our
relationships and experiences have been beyond hurtful, soul crushing and shook
us to our very core. Some folks have been so consistently disappointed in love that
they want to write love off forever.
And guess what? They are 100% correct. Right as rain. Spot on and
completely correct. Yep.
Until they decide differently.
Until they are ready to change. To try something new. Until they realize
they have the power to make their relationships better. After they realize they
are the only person standing in their own way. They have new choices.
Yep. All of us are responsible for our own life, choices and love.
I respect wanting to sit out of love relationships forever. Flying by the seat of our
pants with the old love information we were taught, we were set up for buckets
of pain. It is extremely hard to try again after getting your heart stomped on.
I felt like that at times. I dated a serial killer. No joke. But that’s another
story for another day.
Back to face book.
I like those face book comments because to me, they show hope. Why
would somebody take the time and make the effort to type a comment if they had
totally given up? Right?
That faint shimmer of hope lurking in those comments comes through loud
and clear. Commenting is a way to share their disappointment in love and
relationships. It shows me they have enough energy to care. They care and
share! Sharing is loving. Caring is loving. Am I right?
So, to all you lovely commenters in face book land, thank you for your
comments. Please know that you don’t have to look for love in the old ways
anymore. It’s time to stop looking for love outside yourself. It’s time for the
fast path to love that lasts - and I can
help you with that.
This is what I do. I help you create the relationships you dream of in
new ways with new mindsets, strategy, accountability and support. And boy do I
support you!!
A word of caution - you won’t get new love results doing the same old things
you have been doing. It takes hard work, a commitment to yourself and a big
heart. Which I know you have.
Here’s to the open doors, new possibilities and abundant love that is
waiting for you.
When you are ready to take a small step toward a new love perspective,
check out my free, safe, non-judgmental face book group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1503456919702692/
Love On,
p.s. – if you want to sit on the sidelines of love, no judgment
or pressure. We will be holding space for you if you decide you are ready. You
are as worthy of love as anyone on the planet.
Photo by Sandro Schuh on Unsplash
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