Thursday, October 11, 2018

From Love Spark to Illumination

To begin to connect with more love and open more of your heart space, try this visualization when you have quiet time with no distractions

Close your eyes

Notice your breath

Breathe softly


Feel yourself begin to settle


Notice any tension slip away


Focus in this now moment

You are safe, you are supported, you are cherished and honored

You are love

Focus on your heart center

Feel the bliss of gently connecting and reconnecting with your heart


Inhabit and soften your heart even more

Help your heart release and relax

As you help your heart open, focus on the center of your heart

Do you see it?

At the very center, a small spark appears

It is all the colors of the rainbow and it is unbelievably beautiful as it dances


Grow this spark

Bring it closer

Make it bigger

Use your breath to fan this curling spark into a flame

Go deeper

Help the flame sweep into fire

Fire gaze

Open the gate of your intuition

Inner wisdom

Grow it bigger than your body

Feel your heart beat

Watch the fire in your open heart until it explodes into light

See your light shower into all light

Know you are safe, supported, cherished and honored

Guide your light energy to enter every cell in your body

Absorb the energy from the light in your heart

Bathe in it

Now send it out in the world

Share your light

How far does it reach?

Go beyond that to share your light

With all

See your light merge with infinite light

Then remember

You have a well of love and light within your body

Infinite and inexhaustible

You are never alone

You are love

You are light

There is no separation

By breath, heartbeat and energy

All is one

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want more info on me along with love videos, quotes, and my blog notes- check out my FB business page here:

p.s.s. – message me here:

Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

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