Thursday, October 4, 2018

Time For Real Love?

It is time.

It is time to infuse more love into every aspect of our lives.

Are you with me?

We have all tried what well meaning friends, family and society have taught us.

How did that work out?

For me, it was like being hit in the face with a 2’ by 4’.

And for you?

So, let’s break out of what doesn’t serve us anymore.

No more idealizing love.

No more hoping that the old love fairy tale comes true.

No more looking for real love on the outside.

Love is inner work.

It’s time to unlearn what hurts and open space for more of our joy.

To have fun doing it.

To take unconditional love to the next level.

For me, for you, for us.

Are you in?

Join my real love face book group where we talk about and look at love in the ways it matter to us in a safe and respectful group.  Check out Loveologists here and see if it is a group that fits with you:

Now is our time, this is the place, together we are more powerful. Let’s bring more love to anything and everything we do and support each other while we do it.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want more info on me along with love videos, quotes, and my blog notes- check out my FB business page here:

Photo by Brian Suh on Unsplash

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