Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Heart For A Heart

You might be really, really tempted to do it in your relationships.

Once you start it, it is hard to stop.

It leads to more pain, hurt and game playing.

It results in distrust.


It might have been human nature or instinct up until now. Or you might have been taught to do it. It’s a natural reaction to want to hurt someone after they hurt you. Hurt them on a deeper level than they hurt you to regain your power.

It might help you feel better temporarily. Not in the long run.

Retaliation is a like a ladder that leads to destruction. With each retaliation rung you climb, you bring your relationship closer and closer to destruction. Total disconnection.  

Strong words? Maybe. Retaliation can be a strong feeling.

Every time you indulge and act on your need for retaliation, you use your amazing resources, thoughts and energy for what will probably hurt another first and then yourself.

Since we are all connected, everything you do to someone else, you do to yourself.

Retaliation breeds more retaliation and where does it end? In complete confusion. In the severing of relationships. In heartache.

The urge to retaliate is a problem that can be shifted to an opportunity to what feels better to you. To help mend your relationships. To unite, not separate. To bring people closer together.

It starts with you.

Now you can consciously choose to respond instead of just react. You can mindfully respond instead of attempt to hurt another person or group of people. You can help yourself and your relationships become more powerful and loving.

First take a time out.

If you feel like retaliating, take 3 long comfortable breaths and remember you have the choice to retaliate or to help yourself feel better without escalating the hurt in the relationship. Pause and remember you are not powerless.  Get physically moving to move your thoughts of retaliation through your body.

You can stop the momentum of hurting each other. You can choose not to retaliate.

How does that feel?

The more you do it the easier it is. What if you hold space for others not to retaliate? Your relationships will improve with little to no retaliation. This one simple action will lead to more closeness and connection and less confusion and uncertainty in all your relationships.

Shift out of retaliation energy and into the power of helping yourself and others. This is your genuine strength and empowerment. It feels so good. Like you knew it would.

Love On,


p.s. For a safe space to talk about all things love, check out my face book group loveologists here:

Photo by Maxime VALCARCE on Unsplash

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