Comfort zones. What’s your love comfort zone like? Do you choose to leave
Staying in your comfort zone in your love relationships is okay.
Seriously okay. Comfort zones allow you to process your feelings and figure out
what you want. They allow you to feel safe and thoughtfully respond in your
relationship(s) and I’m all for that.
But there is a catch.
Comfort zones often grow too big. Without your permission. Then you
find yourself feeling restless. Or bored and unfulfilled. Craving new people to
have new experiences and adventures with, right?
You see where I’m going with this. Comfort zones are great until they
aren’t. Until they quietly contract. Until you feel stuck. Stagnant.
Feeling stuck can tempt you to break out of your comfort zone in dramatic
away. Instead of taking a flyer and doing what might harm yourself and/or other
people involved, plan your expansion. Thoughtfully push those personal
development boundaries. Seek new, next and what you have always wanted to try.
It doesn’t matter if you are in a happily or sadly in a love
relationship, happily single or sadly single, every once in awhile ditch your
comfort zone to grow and enjoy new learning. Try something that raises your
energy just thinking about it. Do something that scares you a bit. If the
thought of it terrifies and excites you simultaneously, do it! Go to your
magic. (unless it involves cheating on your partner in any way. In that case, FINISH
one relationship before you start another or suffer the consequences. You have
been warned.)
Grant yourself permission to start something new. Grow. Embrace the
beginner’s grace you had naturally as a child. Challenge yourself not to be
skilled or masterful or adult at something fresh.
Be bold. Be creative. Be child-like (vs. childish) and have fun growing
the boundaries of your comfort zone until it becomes your personal playground.
Remember and reconnect with what you do well and what you fires you up. Recall
what you loved to do before you became an adult.
Don’t just talk about connecting with new people, places and
experiences, do it. DO IT. DO IT. DO IT. Action PLUS movement get your energy and
momentum flowing and will carry you forward. Waiting is the opposite of living.
Get living. Create your life and love relationships as you want them now. Live out
loud. Shift out of stuck and into new.
Love On,
p.s. For a safe space to talk about all things love, check
out my face book group loveologists here:
Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash
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