Thursday, January 17, 2019

Comparing Relationships

What kills creating new love relationships before they start?

The toxic social conditioning of

Comparison and


You have seen it a million times over dozens of platforms

A fake or real relationship lifestyle

Celebrities posting about their fabulous partners

Friends coupling up on social media relationship status’

Nothing is wrong with well intentioned sharing and genuine help

Until we compare/contrast ourselves with a tiny slice of life posted on social media or face to face

Until we compare our insides with other people’s outsides

Until we use other people’s relationships to beat ourselves up

We have a natural tendency to assess our environment and scan for threats

To measure what we lack

And that is all well and good

Until it isn’t

Until we take it from the jungle to our emotions

Comparing ourselves to others can turn into a nasty cycle of I am better than they are, I am less than they are.


Ever done it?

We all have

No one is superior to anybody else, no matter what we have been taught

What’s the way out?

To unlearn ranking, rating and judging

To measure what we have in this present moment without comparing or competing

With love

Big Love

Unconditional Love

Invincible Love

When we offer compassion and love to ourselves first, we begin to shift to genuine gratitude

Genuine gratitude is a game changer

The game changer

With gratitude we measure what we love about what we have now

And get more to be grateful for

A delicious cycle

Are you in?

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- message me here: or if you want to get on the phone and schedule a free 30 minute call with me, click here:

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