Thursday, January 10, 2019

Welcome the Love Lighthouse

Can you feel it?

We are constructing a bright new lighthouse of love and connection on the internet

Online we have access to thousands of online sites, apps, coaches and abundant information

Which is a fabulous leap forward for all of us

Until. . .

It isn’t

And we use our old love approaches, patterns and pain to navigate these sparkling new love frontiers

I don’t have to tell you

It’s not working as well as it can

Brave and courageous lovelies, lovers and love lookers step up to try new love systems

with buckets of past pain and ineffective tools to turn up their light

And wonder why they get the same, if not worse, love results

I am here to tell you

It’s all in our love mindset

Your love mindset

Individually and collectively

And it stars with individually

With you

It begins with your awareness

Of your love energy

Of your light quotient

And a willingness to release what hurts you and try new


Are you willing to do whatever it takes to increase and shine your love energy?

I have effective new information, tools, exercises and visualizations to help you and they are important

But not as important

As the love sourced in you


No matter what anybody has taught, told and sold you

You are not broken

You do not need to be fixed

You need to remember

The beautiful and blinding unconditional love and light that always exist together in your heart

That are you

And ask for help

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- message me here: or if you want to get on the phone and schedule a free 30 minute call with me, click here:

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

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