Thursday, January 24, 2019

Love Stereotypes Suck

Some women have general love tendencies

Many do not

Some men have general love tendencies

Many do not

Some love “experts” will tell you what men want or what women want

And that’s where they lose me

F**k love stereotypes

We want to be loved for who we are

Each individual person is so unique, so unpredictable and a combination of all their own

Genetics, preferences, experiences, and emotions that

I don’t think there is a foolproof way to predict

What we will do

When we will do it

How we love

Yep, labels suck

When we label each other

Or need a man or a woman

To act a certain way,

There is a part of our self that we are not taking care of in that very same way

No judgment

It’s information to use

To grow

To take care of our self in that way

To become responsible for our own emotions

So, we can enjoy love relationships from empowerment

Not neediness

I believe we are here to learn more about ourselves and each other

Without expectations, assumptions, prejudices or narrow pigeonholes

We are here to allow and reconcile the feminine and masculine we have inside

So that we can accept

And love our self fully and

Offer that same unconditional love and acceptance to each other

With open minds and open hearts

Love On

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- For new love information and tools, message me here: or if you want to get on the phone and schedule a free 30 minute call with me at a time that works for you, click here:

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

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