You've been there and I've been there. I hope you're not there now.
The depths of sadness.
The depths of sadness for me was when I didn't want to move and getting up seemed impossible. Everything inside of me and outside hurt. My dreams were confused and upset. Queasy. What I used to do easily now seemed monumental.
Keeping it together was exhausting. I wondered if anything was worth it; if anything was worth this much emotional pain. Alone, abandoned and adrift, pain was my companion and focus.
I won't tell you what's going on in your thoughts, I couldn't possibly know.
I will tell you that on top of my sadness what really hurt me was thinking that I was separate from everybody and everything. I felt cut off from life, love and connection. Separate.
And the really weird thing is I believed it. With every fiber in my being. I was certain. And that hurt. Beyond words.
I wanted someone to tell me I wasn't alone. I wanted someone else to want to take my pain away. I needed to hear that I was loved and worth it and amazing. I craved outside validation.
Outside validation didn't arrive for me.
Outside validation would have been a flimsy band aid until the next time I felt someone let me down or I felt used or broken or sad. I always needed something outside of myself to help me feel better.
And that is my job. My responsibility. My honor and my ability. My power.
When I began to look inside myself for what I hoped was outside, everything shifted. 360 degrees. I learned to own my feelings. I learned to purge what hurt and keep what felt fabulous. Good-bye self criticism, good-bye comparing myself to other and people, people-pleasing. Good-bye self judgment and overwhelming self doubt.
So long and farewell to thoughts that hurt. Hello thoughts that feel more loving. Loving for me from me.
Little by little I began to feel better. I learned to I self-soothe and center myself in unconditional self love. I didn't have to try or force or push. Ease embrace me.
As I treat myself well, I also model for other people how to treat me well. To love me from a whole and healthy intention, not needy desperation. Not for completion.
By taking responsibility for my feelings, action and love, I am empowered to choose my relationships with and from a genuine love within.
I can not feel fulfilled through outside sources: other people, shopping, alcohol, drugs, money, or appearances. As I learn to I accept myself, I am the only one who can accept or reject myself on a profound and deep level.
With my foundation of authentic self love, I then choose who I want to be with and around. I am not incomplete or looking for my other half. I maintain my relationship with myself through self-love and that big, bright, beautiful energy naturally radiates to everyone. I create new relationships with a combined fresh love energy.
The world shifts with more allowing, acceptance and love for our selves and the oneness we all are.
Including you. If you don't have a strong self love for yourself now, learn gently to shift to it. Nobody deserves unconditional self love more than you do and we all shift to more love as each one of us feels better inside.
I would tell you are amazing and loving but it won't mean as much as when you genuinely feel it inside.