Friday, December 30, 2016

A Fresh Start

Here we are again at the close of another year.
Here we are at the beginning of a fresh year.

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Are they effective for you? Do they help you achieve? If so, great!

If not, do they leave you feeling disappointed and/or guilty?

Deciding to change isn't enough. You must first release the thoughts that no longer serve you. Begin with releasing your limiting beliefs. (I hate running, I can not run) Replace your limiting beliefs with new thoughts and beliefs. (I can run a few steps) Take small actions first and then incrementally increase your actions to match your new mindset (I can run half a block) See what happens and adjust to what feels good for you.

Remember, once you make a decision, you can always make another and another and another. Few choices are black and white or do or die as we have been taught to believe.

Drawing a hard line in the sand with creating New Years Resolutions without first changing your beliefs, will not change your behavior. Thoughts drive beliefs, beliefs drive behavior.

Here's to YOU in 2017!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

You Wear It Well

You wear new shoes, or a party dress, or a smile, or perfume, or a beard, or a hat. . . or nothing at all.

What is attractive about you? What attracts you in others?

genuine confidence
beginner's grace
eye twinkles
an open and loving heart
respected body
crow's feet

What about you?
So tell me, what about you is attractive?
And what attracts you?

Friday, December 23, 2016

Dashing Through the Stress

This time of year is a high energy time of year. Goodwill, stress, love, competition, pride - it seems to be a mash up of every emotion on the spectrum.

All stress is self induced, you can choose to self sooth and feel better.

If you are upset, become aware of how you are feeling, take a breath and understand why you are upset. Then release the upset and choose a better feeling by shifting your thoughts.

Use your emotions help you align with what feels better.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Out With The Old

Do you focus on problems or solutions?

If you focus on problems - you get more of them.
If you focus on solutions - you get more of them.

What you focus on expands in your thoughts.

Problems and solutions are bound;
If there is no solution, there is no problem.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

You Better Watch In

"Learn to love yourself 'cause if you can't love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else."~RuPaul

So direct, on-point and wise.

Many of you have been taught that there is a soulmate or "the one" out there for you. You seekk to find the love that will complete you.

You are complete now. You do not need to be fixed. Why give away your happiness and your sovereignty to someone else? Your emotions are your friendly advisers and your responsibility. Life long love is not outside of you, it is in your heart.

Unconditional Love starts with your genuine self-love and blooms.

Friday, December 9, 2016

All is Bright

my holiday spirit is alive

it isn't in the shopping or stress. it's not in the pressure or presents. not even in the food or fanfare.

it is sourced in my heart and it's reflected in the light. in all colors and shapes and sizes of sparkle. it's in the twinkle, the shine and laughter.

Glow on.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hold Steady

The intention you approach your challenges and experiences with influences your results. Are you nervous, fearful or angry when you deal with your challenges? Or are you calm, positive or open-minded/open-hearted?

Consciously choose your mindset and to see new results.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Health Report

All stress is self induced stress.

People often tell me how stressed they are, especially at this time of year. A free tool to reduce stress is mindful breathing. Focus on your breath. Breathe comfortably and in your own rhythm. Feel and focus on your breath and feel yourself unwind. Let it go. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh