Thursday, December 27, 2018

F**k New Year's Love Resolutions

Unless they really work for you.

In that case, go you!

Genuine fulfillment isn’t going to arrive in another broken resolution

It isn’t external.

Profound fulfillment is sourced inside of you now

Always has been

Always will be.

New Year’s is a fabulous time to unlearn the toxic social conditioning that most of us have learned too well:

We aren’t our relationships

We aren’t if we are with a partner or not

We aren’t our appearance

We aren’t our finances

We aren’t our health

We are enough.

We are our core heart and how much we choose to share of it.

In a way that excites and terrifies us simultaneously.

As we close out 2018, I have a challenge for you if you want to accept it.

Are you up for it?

How open hearted and vulnerable are you willing to be?

How much of your love are you willing to apply to your life in 2019?

How much love are you willing to give and receive in 2019?

What are your unconditional love goals?

We need your loving piece of the puzzle.

How will you challenge yourself to grow while contributing to the greater whole of the world?

I am honestly interested in your answers and thoughts.  No judgment. Comment or message me.

Listening . . .

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- message me here: or if you want to schedule a free 30 minute call with me, click here:

Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash

Thursday, December 20, 2018

This Time of Year

If you are tempted to feel alone

Or lonely

Or like you don’t matter

Please remember and take this to heart:

You have light inside of you

That burns bright

And intensifies all light

Your light is present now


And tomorrow

We need your light

Because it is you

And no one else can offer it.

You matter


Because of the light inside you.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

p.s.- If you want practical steps and strategies on your connection with more unconditional love, message me here:

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Love Won't Leave You Even If You Want it To

Real love is beyond bliss.

Lost love is shattering.

Most of us experience both

Deep sorrows and exquisite joy.

Because we are wired for survival, our painful experiences may stick with us longer than our fantastic moments.

We hold the fear of losing love in a tense pocket hidden inside our bruised heart.

We don’t know how to heal it, so we conceal it.

Hiding it may make our fear and pain stronger.

When we might be tempted to pry open our heart a slight sliver,

we are reminded of the pain that crushed us before,

So, we slam the door.

We go on our way and we say, I might love again


Not today.

Today I am not ready to try again.

That’s the thing about love and life.

Today is where all our power is.

In this very moment.

Not tomorrow, not someday. Now.

Real love is not going to arrive when the conditions are just right.

Real love is here now.

Ever present.

It’s within us now

Always has been

Always will be.

Love won’t leave us even if we want it to

The unconditional love we carry inside won’t ever abandon us

Our love energy connects us with all love energy


Love holds the energy of the universe together.

Our breath, pulse, and heartbeats bond us with all love energy.

Life energy.

We can’t really be alone.

Unless we think we are.

Or feel we are.

Then we know the most profound separation and


is self-imposed.

Nurture, radiate and receive unconditional love today.

Not tomorrow.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- When you are ready to let go of past pain and hurt, take one new action today and schedule a time to talk with me that works for you. Ready for a free phone call? Click here:

Photo by John Petalcurin on Unsplash

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Embracing New Love Energy

Many of us want new love, more love, different love. We know it.

We may not be as clear on how to embrace the love we want.

To enjoy new love, we must release our limiting beliefs and take new action.

If we knew what our limiting beliefs are, we would release them, right?

Releasing what doesn’t serve us any more begins with self-awareness.

With becoming aware of our thoughts that hold us back.

Most of us believe thoughts about ourselves that aren’t true.

Like: I am not enough, or I am not young enough, or pretty enough or rich enough or skinny enough or ideal enough.

We have learned through painful experience that we don’t measure up to what someone else expected of us.

But that doesn’t matter for 2 reasons:

We are more than our appearance and

Our love is on the inside and we are the only person who can accept or reject our self on a deep level.

When we learn to love ourselves fully and on an authentic level, we release our limiting beliefs that hold us back.

Then our new beliefs inspire our new actions.

So, we begin to release we absolutely believe about our self that hurts.

Love doesn’t hurt.

It’s time to let go of the pain that has hurt us and remember that at our core, we are love.

No exceptions.

We come from love, we are love now and we return to love.

When we are ready to choose to be vulnerable and we remember the love we are at our core, new love has begun.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- When you are ready to let go of past pain and hurt, take one new action today and schedule a time to talk with me that works for you. Ready for a free phone call? Click here:

Photo by Richard M. on Unsplash

Thursday, November 29, 2018

New Year's Eve at Midnight

Got plans?

Do they make your scalp tingle?

Ready for new and next?

My purpose, passion and privilege are to help you enjoy more Big Love

I have much to share with you

Are your ears, heart and mind open?


The uncomfortable news about love first:

We have been lied to and misled

We have been socially conditioned to believe in magic pills, mind games and a love lottery mentality

We have been taught to search for someone to rescue us and know us better than we know ourselves

We have learned to compare ourselves to others and other relationships

We have learned to focus on what we don’t have in our relationships

These social myths have broken hearts, ravaged relationships and set us up for big pain


It’s for the heartache to stop with new mindsets, approaches and actions to help us enjoy more love today

Begin here

Many of us have challenges is three major areas of our lives:




We may want to make major overhauls or tiny tweaks in one or more of these areas. We have issues in different areas at different times. Or a combo of areas all at once

We change every day. Change is constant. Except when we want new results and we don’t know how to get them

Stuck sucks

One small action can change everything:  

Summoning the courage to ask for help

Reaching out and not going it alone

Small and significant because asking for help sets our new path in motion

Especially in our love relationships

Are you with me? I am a Love Coach, Love Elder and Love Activator

I help people who are beyond fed up with wanting to change and don’t know how

I help open-minded and open-hearted people (if you are closed minded or closed hearted you will have to free yourself from those choices before we can work together) enjoy more love

I help people who measure in lack shift to thriving in abundant love


It is different for everyone and yet the same. We work together:

I have practical new ideas, exercises and accountability to help you connect with and activate more unconditional love now


I help you remember and live into your possibilities and potential instead of your limitations

These 2 shifts improve all your relationships

Think there is something wrong with you? Or that you are beyond help?

No one is beyond help because no one is beyond love. (sending you a hug here!)

I help people remember who they have been told they are not

Loving, loved and loveable

I challenge you to reconnect with your natural abilities and strengths to empower yourself to create the love that deep down you know you deserve

My part is minor

Your part is great

And yet we need each other

The beginning of a beautiful relationship

A new outlook

A fresh start


Don’t wait until the New Year when everyone has resolved in tired old ways to change

Ask for help when you are ready

And you will be well on your way to more of the love you dream of

When the clock strikes midnight

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- When you feel like sharing, let me know your thoughts, insights, experiences by scheduling a time to talk with me that works for you. Ready for new? Click here:

p.s.s. – There are no love lottery winners and losers. We all are love.

Photo by henry fournier on Unsplash

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Don't Let This F Word Destroy Your Relationship

Which F-word?


It usually happens when we are sitting and overthinking.

We time travel in our thoughts. Time traveling to the past or future can produce worry and anxiety.

Time traveling to the future gives many of us anxiety because our mind is processing a situation our body can do nothing about.  We are out of alignment and it leaves us feeling powerless.

Feeling powerless sucks so we attempt to gain control of the future to soothe ourselves with any amount of certainty.

And then it gets ugly. Really ugly. Especially in romantic relationships:

A Familiar Love Relationship Scenario - We feel good about our relationship. We are in a love relationship and we want it to continue. We want security. And after finding out that our partner is not as ready to pin down the future as we are, we might beg, whine or manipulate them into begrudgingly giving us a promise or assurances about where our precious relationship is headed.*


Best case scenario we get false security, our partner responds with “maybe someday”. Less than certainty to be sure.

Not what we wanted.

Worst case scenario we get abandoned.

Definitely - not what we wanted.

It’s an age-old relationship tug of war. It is as predictable as it is common.

So, what do we do to stop this painful cycle?

Get back in our power. Reconnect with what we can control and that is ourselves. Learn from our emotions and our actions.

How do we do it?

By connecting with the light and love living in our hearts. By remembering we are never powerless. By remembering the love we are inside instead of seeing only another person as our way to bring love in.

By not giving someone else the responsibility of caring for our emotions.

Our emotions are valuable guides to help us align with more of who we are at the core.

Simple Emotional GPS:

If what we are doing isn’t feeling great, we are not close to aligning with our higher self.

If what we are doing is joyful, we are aligning with the magnificence of who we are.

When we become aware of our emotions, we can us them to help ourselves feel better. We can shift out of the old ruts, routines, expectations and attachments and live in more happiness.  More in the present moment. Where all our power is.

Both partners. Each responsible for their own emotions, actions and happiness.

Can you imagine the relationship we can create from this love centered in the present?

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- When you feel like sharing, let me know your thoughts, insights, experiences by scheduling a time to talk that works for you. Click here:

*(I admit I did this, and it failed miserably. Then I asked my boyfriend to marry me. And he said yes, but that’s a different blog.)

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Start Loving

More than you already do.

Why Wait?

Wait to find love?

We are love

Our purpose is to love as much as we can as often as we can

From this elevated energy we clarify our contribution

Why wait for someone to love us?

That is our job

To love ourselves first and the infinite love we have inside

Self-love is empowered love intentions that are naturally connective and attractive

Why wait for the perfect time to love?

Someday never arrives

The present moment is where our active power is

Why wait until we are ready for love?

We are born in love

Remembering and refreshing our love inside gives us momentum for action

Why wait for loving healing, closure or an apology?

Depending on other people or outside situations for our inner fulfillment and happiness is painful

We take responsibility for our emotions and actions

We can not expect anyone to love us more than we love ourselves

Why wait any longer to help ourselves feel better fast?

Closure is acceptance

We give it to ourselves

Life and love are inside jobs

Do our deep inner work

Accept what happened, help ourselves heal and then move the hell on

Why wait to be lovingly rescued?

Sometimes we wait for the perfect combination of outside experiences for happiness

If this, then that

Instead, connect with our inner resources and create more loving joy now

We are our rescuers

Instead of waiting


Allow, accept and be grateful for our experiences as loving learning

Center our thoughts in unconditional love and share it

Remember and receive the love that we are

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- My face book group: Loveologists is a safe, judgment free zone to shift to more unconditional love with fun friends. Check it out here:

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Self Care Shame

Refuse it

Self-care is a subtle reframe

It refreshes and recharges us

Helps us remember who we really are at our loving core

Self-care is anything but selfish

A massage


Reading a fantastic book or binge watching a tv series

A quick run in the park

Getting eyelash extensions

Enjoying wonderful food and drink

Spending 10 minutes in quiet time to listen to our inner wisdom

Dancing alone to a favorite song

Giving ourselves a break from heart crushing negativity or criticism

Nurturing what makes us who we are

Self-care comes in all shapes, sizes, flavors, intensities and personal choices. It energizes us to our inner depths when we raise more energy than we started with. Self-care replenishes what nobody else can provide for us.


Genuine self-care is one of the few ways we give ourselves permission to treat ourselves as well as we treat others. To love ourselves up. To absorb and inhabit the kindnesses we usually give. To connect with our well-being.

Self-care feels deeply delicious, it is all feeling.

Feeling well

Feeling whole

Living large in our light for no other reason than we can

We feel self-care in the reaches of our inner universes

If we rationally analyze it and don’t feel it, it is pointless. We have missed an incredible opportunity to treat ourselves the way we want to be treated and to hold space for other people to treat us as lovingly

It’s all feels

Self-love and self-care are the opposites of self-judgment. Yet, you might be surprised at how many of us judge our own self-care.

Or do without.

Because someone shamed us when we thought to take care for ourselves at a healing level. Told us we were selfish. Judged us for wanting to fill up on fulfillment from the inside.

They don’t get it, but you do

Heart-felt self-care ripples and radiates out from our heart centers to everyone, everywhere. From authentic unconditional love creating an expansive, beautiful contagion

So long selfish

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- to unlearn judgment and for more self-love, schedule your FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call with me at a time that works for you.  Click here to schedule your call:

Photo by Michel Catalisano on Unsplash  

Thursday, October 25, 2018

You Are Enough Already

Idiot, Ugly, Not (skinny, young, pretty, rich, funny, cool, etc.) enough

We weren’t born being rough on ourselves. We learned it. Yep. Many of us have been socially conditioned by well-meaning friends, family and teachers to criticize ourselves. To punish our self for not being perfect.


It seems at one point, society’s wisdom was if we belittled ourselves, we kept ourselves meek and manageable. Being hard on oneself kept us humble. Many people judged themselves and each other. That’s where we were on our collective path.

Some people still are.

We were taught to be fabulous little people pleasers and harshly judge ourselves and unfortunately, became quite good at both.  We brought the harsh talk inside our young and tender minds and hearts. Never to look back.

Until now.

Now we can begin to make changes. Awareness opens doors. With awareness comes chosen new action.

Like the leopard lying in the tall grass, once we become aware of negative self-talk, it’s easy to spot. It’s critical for the sake of being critical. It is uncomfortable and painful. We know it all too well.

Here’s the good news!

If our self-talk is harsh, judgmental, or hurtful, it is not ours! It is not our authentic voice. Someone taught us to criticize our self and we have internalized that behavior and/or voice. (Blame is not important or productive here or anywhere else.) Although it may sound like us, that voice is not our authentic, self-loving powerful voice.

Now that we are aware of this nasty little habit, what can we do about it?

Choose new action and release it. Help it go. Pack it’s bags and bid it farewell for good so that we can be more of the empowered magnificent light and loving people we naturally are.

How do we release judgmental self-talk?

Consider these 2 simple steps:

1.       Recognize when we are doing it. Notice when the pattern pops into our thoughts. Are there certain times we are more likely to denigrate ourselves? Do we do it in response to certain emotions like: shame, guilt, embarrassment?

This awareness of when we do it is a tipping point.

2.       Next, interrupt the pattern when we become aware we are doing it and ask questions: Why am I doing this to myself? What purpose does this serve? Can I shift to being kinder to myself in this moment?

As we slow the freight train of negative self-talk down, we give our self a break from the unnecessary and unhelpful criticism. Let go of the unhealthy judgment. Return to feeling centered.

Now I ask:

Would we talk to a loved one like this? (I hope not, or we are perpetuating the negative self-talk cycle.)  If the answer is no, we begin to unlearn talking to ourselves in damaging ways.

If we want to go one step further (and I know WE do!) replace our negative self-talk with a compliment, a positive affirmation or something we genuinely like and/or love about ourselves.

What a challenge, right?

Negative self-talk won’t go away overnight because many of us have been running this toxic social conditioning for years. It is important that we remember to be kind and gentle with ourselves until it becomes a habit. With patience, awareness and consistent practice, we can be well on our way to treating ourselves as we want to be treated, as the beautiful hearts we are.

Since the way we treat our self is usually the way we treat everyone, everyone grows!!

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want more info on me along with love videos, quotes, and my blog notes- check out my FB business page here:

p.s.s. – Loveologists is a safe, judgment free zone to shift to more unconditional love with fun friends. Check it out here:

Photo by Mickael Gresset on Unsplash  

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Much More Love For You

Have you eased up yet?

On yourself first?

Then on everyone else?

Are you focused on what you don’t have?

Know it all too well?

Do you feel the shadow of an itchy little nudge from inside that tells you something isn’t right?

That there’s so much more for you?

What do you do when you feel it?

What action do you take?

You would try something new if you just knew HOW?

Can you measure in real love?

True gratitude?

Do you feel deep gratitude?

Or do you think it?

Big difference between thinking and feeling.

Do you spin in a mental rut day after day and wonder why you can’t think your way out of this?

Are you dog tired of dead-end thoughts?

If so, you may be thinking and overthinking

I call it the spin cycle.

I know

I did it

Sometimes still do

Until I remember there is another way.

A way out of the spin cycle is through your feelings

Feeling your way to what feels better.

It is a challenge

To drop from your mind

Down into your heart and

Allow it to guide you

To trust again

I know, I know

You’ve been hurt before when you trusted your heart


You never want to taste that pain again

I get it

But what if

On the other side of your pain

Is as much, if not more


What if you learn to empower yourself with your emotions?

Use them to help yourself feel better

Take responsibility for your love actions?

Try on a new love mindset

So, your life expands

You stop spinning

And don’t feel needy

Or lonely

Or judged

You feel loveable, loving and loved

Your Love

Your Relationships

Your Connections become

Real and inspiring

This is the core you

You are not separate from your emotions or your love

They are here for you to learn more about yourself

Inside your heart

And enjoy life

Your emotions and their information lead you to more of what you seek

Inside yourself first

Then with everyone.

When you are ready to learn a whole new way of love,

I am here to help you

Are you ready?

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want more info on me along with love videos, quotes, and my blog notes- check out my FB business page here:

p.s.s. – message me here:

Photo by Chris Arock on Unsplash