Thursday, September 27, 2018

New Love Results 101

If you want more love

If you want new love

If you want real love without your painful past patterns

If you want a plan for love that doesn’t involve ancient advice and mind games,

My Love Coaching is for you (although I must warn you, it’s not for everyone).

My Love Coaching is fun, effective and hard work, it’s less painful and difficult than feeling lonely and judged because you are not partnered up.

My Love Coaching is for you if:

You ask for help

You are willing to do the deep self-work it takes to have an honest, long lasting relationship

You take consistent action

You do what you say

You are open-minded AND open-hearted

You are committed to investing in yourself

How does it work?

We talk once a week at the same time by phone or video for one hour. You bring what you want to work on. I focus and listen to you deeply and help you unlearn what isn’t working now.  I provide experience, accountability, support and dozens of proven new tools to help you create the love you dream of.

We work together to release what has hurt you in the past and create your new love.

What does not work?

It does not work if you are looking for a magic bullet, wand, pill or someone else to solve your relationship challenges.

Coaching is not therapy.

How long will it take?

No more endless fees and appointments where you can’t tell if you feel better or not.

After 8 weeks, you are ready to create your love life with a fresh approach and practical skills.

Why should I listen to you?

I have:

10 yrs. experience Coaching clients to enjoy new love  (testimonials available on request)

A Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology

2 Relationship Coaching Certifications

A purpose to help you personally and the planet shift to unconditional love

A continuing marriage of 27+ years

How do I know if your Love Coaching is for me?

Just like Costco, I offer samples!

Of course, you want to try it out.

I offer a FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call at a time that works for both of us.

Click here to schedule your FREE call:

How much does it cost?

My sample Love Coaching call is FREE.

If we decide to work together, I have products and services from $47 to $5,000.

Are you ready for new love results? Find out how your love life can change today. Nobody is like you and nobody loves like you. Optimized Relationships Coaching helps you embrace and share more unconditional love in new and innovative ways.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s. - If you are ready for new love,  take new action. Schedule your FREE 30-Minute Love Coaching Call here: 

p.s.s. – If want more info, to chat or to message me - click here:

Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Tell Me Your Truth

Are You Waiting for Love?

To me, that is so funny.

Because you are love. You are loved, loving and loveable as you are right in this minute.

Waiting for love is like waiting for life. You are living and loving right now.

What’s that?

You are waiting for someone else to love you? Because you have been taught that someone else will save, rescue and make life worth living for you?

Ah, yes. This is miserable waiting we have been taught to do. Am I right?

It’s a waiting that takes the responsibility for us and our happiness and gives it to another person or people.

Why have we been taught to do this?

Depending on another person to understand, accept and love us is an old mindset that most of us have been taught. It is heartbreaking.

Have you been breaking your own heart? You can tell me, have you?

Have you been comparing yourself to other people and judging yourself? Have you been harsh and down on yourself? Have you been focusing on what is wrong?

Please stop it and start shifting your love mindset today. Start to feel better.

The bad and good news is nobody is going to save you.

Bad news because society lies to you.

Good news because you are going to save you.

When one person in a relationship is responsible for most of the financial, emotional or sexual heavy lifting, it throws the whole relationship out of balance. It encourages distance, unclear communication and resentment.

Those are 3 devastating relationship cracks that disempower both partners. Then we wonder why few partners seem to stay together.

It’s a tired story.

It’s not because someone is a “good” or “bad person” so much as it is we are taught to look for relationships with unrealistic expectations.

Hoping someone will understand us before we have done the deep self-work to understand our self is unlikely.

Stop hoping and switch your thoughts! Now.

Shift to doing your deep self-work to be the person you want to spend time with. Be the person you are looking for.

Empowered, happy people are attractive.

See how this works?

It’s because you know on some deep level inside that you are worthy of unconditional love.

Look for it inside. First.

It’s there waiting for you. You are loved, loving and loveable right as you are in this minute.

Breathe this into every cell in your being.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

For practical and fun help with your self-love, schedule your my FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call with me. Pick a time that works for you to talk with me here:

Photo by Cortney White on Unsplash

Thursday, September 13, 2018

You Can Handle the Truth

Today I have a short and sweet tip for you to try when you want to determine the emotional connection of any of your close relationships.

Find a time when you will have 5-10 minutes of quiet and undistracted time to emotionally connect with your partner, family member or friend. This could be during a relaxing meal or facetime. Get comfy with this person and start a light, normal conversation. Make sure there are no physical barriers or objects between you and when you feel the time is right, ask,

“What is it about us you value?”


Watch their eye contact and body language and listen to their verbal response to know how connected you are. Appreciate their unspoken and spoken responses. Note your own response and feelings.

Reply and thank them for their honesty.

For practical and fun help with your relationships, schedule your my FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call with me. Pick a time that works for you to talk with me here:

Love On,

Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships

Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash

Thursday, September 6, 2018

No More Holiday Blues For You

Summer fades.

We slide into fall.

And the painful memories and loneliness live on.

And on.

I had several messages over the holiday weekend from frustrated people who feel alone. People who are upset, embarrassed, broken hearted, confused and pissed.


I get it.

I used to feel that way too.

Because we aren’t taught how to have healthy love relationships.

You have been taught to think you must be in a love relationship to be happy.

You have been taught to search for your other half.

You feel something is wrong with aren’t with a partner.

Judged and incomplete.

Toxic social conditioning.

This has been society’s painful out dated truth.

But does it have to be your truth?

You can choose to think differently.

In an instant.

When you. . .

Open your mind and remember you are worthy of more.

Realize It doesn’t have to be this way.

Try new thoughts on.

It starts with you.

For you.

Unlearn what hurts.

Unlearn that something outside of yourself is the key to feeling fulfilled.

Unlearn that someone is coming to make your life better.

That person is you.

Hello new.

Learn how to connect with your authentic power and strength inside.

Learn to choose to move to more joy.

Learn that you are enough.

As you are right now.

The only time you are broken

Or need to be fixed

Is when you believe it.

Why believe it?

It’s not the truth of who you are.

Or you wouldn’t feel awful.

Choose to align with more of who you are and feel better fast.

Reach out.

Ask for help, I am here to help you.

Help you deliver your life the way you dream of it.

It’s within you now.

Switch it up.

Before more holidays.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want more new perspectives, consider joining my free, safe, non-judgmental face book group here:

Photo by Valeria andersson on Unsplash