Thursday, March 29, 2018

Bridges to Love

Questions are amazing little bridges from here to there. From confusion to clarity. They fire up our brains and get our energy flowing. Ask yourself these questions to begin to clarify what you think and feel. There are no right or wrong answers, so let loose with your love responses.  Create your own bridges with your answers to get clear on you and your love.

13 questions to help you clarify what you feel about self-love and love relationships:

Do you expect love to fix most problems and heal you?

Do you calibrate your relationship expectations?

Do you expect your partner to know what you want?

Do you expect someone to love or communicate with you in the same way you love and communicate with them?

Do you want your significant other to love you for you to feel valued and worthy of love?

Do you want to change your partner?

Do feel complete if you are not in a romantic relationship?

Do you love someone else more than you love yourself?

Do you think men and women usually have specific mindsets and behaviors?

Do you consistently feel alone or lonely?

Do you worry what others think about you?

Are you attached to other people, pets, experiences or objects?

Do you feel overwhelmed?

13 questions to help you remember your magnificence:

Do you practice authentic self-love?

Is your self-worth based on anything outside of yourself; anything external?

Do you know how to self soothe?

Do you realize you can choose to feel better or worse?

Do you consciously allow, learn from and then release your emotions?

Do you move and exercise as much as you can?

Do you do what increases your well-being?

Do you trust other people?

Do you use your imagination to feel more joy?

Do you choose to be a victim or empower yourself?

Do you mindfully open your heart and mind?

Do you choose to guard yourself or become vulnerable?

Do you remember to shine and share your inner light?

What do you think and feel?  If you want to take your answers to the next level or talk more with me about all matters love related, click here:    

Love On


p.s. -  You are worthy of more love, joy and connection. Absorb that. Today is the day you flip your painful love script to your pleasant new love results. With new ideas, information and exercises (like my free love guide) to help you get started: ), you can create love relationships that you - well, love!

Photo by Liu Zai Hou on Unsplash

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Strength is On It's Way

Do you know pain?

The pain of feeling lost.

The pain of not being included.

The pain of not feeling heard or understood.

The pain of feeling separate.

The pain of not being loved.

The pain of being unfairly compared to anyone else.

The pain of not being valued for your contribution.

The pain of wanting to help others and not knowing exactly how to do it.

You know pain. All types of pain. You have unknowingly drawn pain deep inside your being. You have numbly filled your heart and consciousness with pain on a personal and then global level. You have imbibed intense, searing, abundant pain without knowing how to release it effectively. As you attempt to avoid pain, you create more.

The definition of feeling stuck.

So, you notch your brain into overdrive in the quest for the solution to your pain. Your certainty that there is an answer drives you further on a never-ending pain reduction quest. If you just found that one elusive bit of information or the perfect strategy, you would celebrate as you connect with more joy and love in this instant.

This has been a problem that has morphed into your pattern: thinking your way to feeling based solutions. You have bravely attempted to employ your amazing brain only to liberate yourself from the hurt. You believe you can think your way to feeling better while silently stuffing the nasty old pain down deep inside. One feeds the other.

It’s time to break the cycle. To balance your thinking with your feeling. Feeling better requires feeling.

Feeling the whole messy spectrum of your emotions. Learning from your experiences. And finally releasing that emotion. Feel, learn, and release your emotions. Learn to let go of unpleasant and pleasant emotions as you naturally move through your days, nights and adventures.


Observe yourself.

Balance your incredible brain with your amazing heart. Use your awareness and emotions to liberate yourself from that old repeating cycle of hurt. Stop avoiding pain and begin to process it. Mindfully choose to release your self-criticism and judgment.

Stop resisting and allow. Stop controlling and trust. Stop judging and love.

Don’t do it by yourself. Ask for and accept help from others. Get more strategies or schedule a time to talk with me that works for you here:   

Offer your help to others.


Live in gratitude.

Challenge yourself to live into your potential.

Create the life you dream of.

Strength arrives through pain. Be the balanced solution you seek. 

Love On.


p.s. –  You know pain and now you know you can turn it around. Here’s to you.

Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The First Date Shakes

You are crystal clear that you want to date.

You know exactly why you want to date and aren’t afraid to share it.

You are open minded and open hearted while you also know your deal breakers.

You set yourself up for dating success. You put thought and time into your profiles, photos and messages. You are social. You joined groups, commented on people’s posts and started friendly conversations.

You are ready for fabulous dating fun with your eyes open.

Now it’s on to a first date or twenty as you think of meeting someone face to face, one to one and in person. You feel an avalanche of emotion. You anticipate the shakes. Allow those shakes, if you feel nervous and you are excited at the same time, you are ready.


Take a breath and trust yourself. It’s okay to feel nervous. Reframe and remember why you want to date. Stay grounded in your self-love and genuine confidence. Reconnect to your dating intentions and purpose to center yourself and move forward.

Move forward with a mutual choice.

Choose where you want to go and what you want to do on your first date with the person you are going with. Together. Yes, start out in balanced energy. Both of you have equal input and veto power. Begin this new experience with respect, honesty and courage. Use your voice and be real.

Do not agree to do something that you don’t like to do. Don’t get caught up in what you imagine the other person might think of you. Don’t invite someone on a date because you don’t want to go alone. Use your empathy and compassion.

Forget impressing each other.

Forget flowers.

Forget the expected first date.

Don’t start off in a tangle of old stereotypes and expectations. Do not put on a mask or play games from the get go. Don’t make your first date a job interview or an interview for a possible sexual partner.

Don’t do the same old trap. Don’t go to a nice restaurant for dinner and drinks. Don’t expect one person to pay. Don’t set up an intimate meal with someone you are not physically or emotionally intimate with.

Don’t set yourself up for disaster and then wonder why it happened.

Go easy on the alcohol and weed.

Do get to know each other in a low or no pressure environment. Do meet in a public place with people around for your safety. Do have a friendly date before you have a romantic one. Play. Do something you each can afford instead of something luxurious and lavish.

Do something you like or have wanted to try.

Do something new.

Do get to know each other.

Be yourself.

Pay for yourself.

Share yourself.

Enjoy yourself.

Love On.


p.s. – if you want to chat with me more about dating or all things relationships, click here:

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Don't Want to Stay and Can't Walk Away


Have you ever stayed in a relationship that you knew wasn’t good for you? Or known a friend or family member who has?

Good, then you know what I am talking about.

What keeps someone in a relationship that we know hurts us? That isn’t healthy for either person?

Is it hope? The hope that things will change?

Is it familiarity and fear of change?

Is it not knowing how to change?

Is it a combination of hope that things will change, fear of change and not knowing how to change?

What keeps us in a relationship where there is more sorrow and sadness than connection and joy?

Is it that love is not logical?

Is that something better is not imaginable?

That we have forgotten who we are at our core?

Is it a combination of all these threads of tangled love energy?

Can we begin to listen to, understand and unknot this pain?

I believe with compassion, honesty and vulnerability we can do it and more. Together.

Love On.


p.s. - I have the how and it starts within you. You are worthy of more love, joy and connection. Absorb that. Today is the day you flip your painful love script to your pleasant new love results. With new ideas, information and exercises (like my free love guide to help you get started: ), you can create love relationships that you - well, love!

p.p.s – If you want a safe space to share your feelings in, check out my free Face Book group loveologists here: :

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Just Don't

What you give you also receive, especially when it involves gossip.

Dishing dirt. Throwing shade. Spilling the tea.

Beware, those who gossip with you will gossip about you.

I have gossiped and been gossiped about. You have gossiped and been gossiped about. We all have. It used to be a way of bonding. Gossip provides a temporary connection between people based in hate, guilt, separation or shame. It encourages ugly connection and pain.

Gossip is a heavy weight to bear. It’s a nasty collective addiction as well as ugly individual entertainment. It weighs us all down.

Gossip has up until now been a nasty pastime. Talking critically about someone not present is felt on some level and keeps a secretive negative energy open and alive.  It encourages old emotional wounds to resurface and harden into knotted emotional scars.

When we gossip, we have forgotten to treat others like we want to be treated. We have temporarily forgotten to be empathetic. We disregard that we all are one and what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

It dissolves trust and separates us. It damages the people who do it and the people it’s done about; lose-lose.  Gossip obliterates any chance for a positive reciprocal relationship.  We can do better.

Awareness will help us consciously choose to do infinitely better and align our actions with our words.

With practice we can begin to listen, to understand, to freely offer our empathy and give compassion. We can intend transparency and inclusion. We can shift to helping instead of harming each other as we mindfully choose inclusive clear communication, collaboration and contribution. When we share what is important to us respectfully, we all learn. We can listen to each other in a new way and gravitate to what feels better internally and in turn, for the higher good of all.

Each of us can learn to take responsibility for our emotions and actions and consciously release what has hurt us. We all can remember that our authentic empowerment is within us, not outside of our self in another person, their words or experiences.

What a person says about us reveals more about the speaker than the spoken of.

The sooner we shift to more empathy and compassion, the sooner we stop the poisonous pipeline of gossip. We begin connecting more over what heals us instead of what harms us. This one small shift can help everyone feel a little lighter.

What we give we also receive. We all are worthy of unconditional love. The shift to more unconditional love starts within each of us.

Love On


p.s. - You are worthy of more love, joy and connection. Absorb that. Today is the day you flip your painful love script to your pleasant new love results. With new ideas, information and exercises (like my free love guide to help you get started: ), you can create love relationships that you - well, love!

p.p.s - Also have you checked out my free Face Book group?  We have a lot of LOVELY fun in there…. It’s called loveologists, check it here: :

Love On!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash