Thursday, August 30, 2018

To Affair or Not To Affair

They met in secret before he was single

He promised he would leave soon

The thrill

The danger

The shared memories of

Whispered conversations

Little lies

Stolen sparks

Secret dates and forbidden sex

Led to intoxication

He didn’t leave

She pressed

He stalled

She cried out of control

They left each other

She felt betrayed by herself

They both carried an ugly guilt

Of a shadow relationship

That left them alone to deal with a new level of pain

And more loneliness


I see it often with my clients:  affairs leave deep jagged heart scars.

Don’t choose to hurt yourself this way.

Don’t hurt your lover’s other.

Don’t choose a life of waiting

And wondering when you will be left for another.

Don’t fall for sticky nicknames and empty promises.

Don’t embrace a future born in dishonesty.


You are enough

You are worthy of whole hearted love.

You are love.

Don’t settle.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

P.S. – Take a new, bigger step to love that lasts with my FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call with me. Pick a time that works for you to talk with me here:

Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Thursday, August 23, 2018

I See You

I see you have endured shattering heartbreak


Sometimes resignation

Yet you try again

With new courage

With a secret dream of love

I see you search for new love

That you have always known inside

With an open heart and no idea how

To stop missing closeness


Shared Laughter

Being together

Your heart is wise

It’s not too much to want

You are enough-enough

You are more than worthy

I see you reach out for help

Unlearn what hurts

Learn to feel much better

Start a new relationship today

I know what it feels like

I know it can change

When you do

I see you on the fast path to more love

I see you on your way

To a new love

That you have always known


Follow me on Instagram and I will follow you too:

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

P.S. – Take a new, bigger step to love that lasts with my FREE 30-minute Love Coaching Call with me. Pick a time that works for you to talk with me here:

Photo by Zulmaury Saavedra on Unsplash

Thursday, August 16, 2018

New Love Chooses You

Shout out to everyone going through challenging relationship shit that still show up

Make the effort

Ask for help

With a bruised heart and an open mind

On some level you still believe in love

After all you’ve been through

And all you haven’t

Don’t give up

Don’t give in to the fear, to the doubt or to the betrayal

Release them. Send them on their way. Say goodbye

Begin again

Better days are ahead

On the way now

Blooming inside

Of you

Keep holding space for new

New love baby

You have so much to share

Remember why you began

Sing your heart song

No one else can

Feed the white light within you

Choose love

New love chooses you

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- When you are ready to take a small step toward a new love perspective, check out my free, safe, non-judgmental face book group here:

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Fear or Love?

A shot to the heart.
Fear floods our bodies with a needle full of burning adrenaline.

Fear is a primal, tribal rush.

It’s contagious.

We can feel it as it spreads like a crackling wildfire on a bone-dry summer day.

We use fear to learn to avoid pain and pursue pleasure.

Our actions are based in fear or love. Both are powerful emotions and motivators. Sometimes it seems like fear is unshakeable and it is when we obsess on it since what we focus on expands.

Fear has been with us seemingly forever. We are biologically wired to notice and avoid unsafe situations in our environments. Fight, flight, freeze or fold.


Unfortunately, we are bombarded with fear energy right along with the flood of information we receive daily. Fear is transmitted and sold almost everywhere. In the news, commercials, nutrition, healthcare, insurance and in casual conversations.  

Fear sells.

Fear is influencing our relationships, our health and our prosperity.

It doesn’t have to stay this way.

Can we do our part to help the planet shift to less fear and more love?


Every time we refuse to spread fear.

When we break a link in the alarm chain.

When we refuse to panic and instead choose to respond. When we calm ourselves.

Choose less fear.

A simple step to soften the nonstop onslaught of fear is to pause and breathe. Allow a few easy cleansing breaths. Become present in this moment now. When we become aware of our fear, we can choose to process it, release it and then choose to focus on what feels better.

Love feels better.

Becoming aware of our fear helps us face it and use it. Use it to point us in the direction of our growth. Help us understand that the obstacle is the opportunity. Create less fear.

Once we consistently choose not to participate in a fear frenzy, fear has less power over us individually and on the planet. We get better at reducing fear as we practice mindfulness. When we are better able to determine if we are in real danger, we open more resources to create solutions to our challenges.

By clarifying what we want, not imagining what we don’t want.

We can increasingly energize all types of love like we currently do with fear. What is the love v fear tipping point?  

Tip it to love.

Stay calm to help us switch from our survival brain to our higher thinking. To our creative brain. To solutions. To what feels better. To what helps everybody feel better. To inclusive effective action.

Turn off the news, don’t support fear-based selling and help others become aware of our fear hangover. Refuse to participate in fear energy and the consumption of fear. Then notice how you feel inside.  

Fear is a temporary rush. Step away from the fear. Begin to shift out of it. Breathe. Break the cycle.

Choose love instead. If we can imagine it, we can create it. Are you in?

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

P.S. – Begin your fast path to love that lasts with new mindsets and a FREE 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me. Pick a time that works for you to talk with me here:

Photo by Aniketh Kumar on Unsplash

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Spring Board to More Love

Self-love is often misunderstood. Or shamed. And that has got to change. 

Self-love is the key to shift to more joy in our personal lives and to more love on the planet. 

Self-love is not happy talk.

Self-love is not selfish.

Self-love isn’t only thinking of our self, it is about taking responsibility for our emotions and actions so that other people don’t have to.

Self-love is treating ourselves as well as we have been taught to treat a partner, a lover, a best friend or our pets.

Self-love is refusing to belittle or harshly judge our self.

Self-love is healthy self-care to feel our best to enliven our dreams.

Self-love is the place to start.

A springboard.

To create our passion and purpose.

Self-love helps us release what doesn’t serve us anymore:

People pleasing


Waiting for someone to save us



Self-love is a personal and a global love gamechanger.

Genuine, deeply felt self-love ripples out from our hearts to everyone around us naturally. Self-love holds space for other people to love themselves. It allows people to decide if they want a love relationship from an energy of empowerment, not desperation.

Good bye clingy, hello real.

Self-love encourages, supports, unifies, includes, helps heal and appreciates all beings and the oneness of all.

No misunderstanding here.

Love On,

Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships