Thursday, January 23, 2020

Warm Honey Light Inside

Find somewhere safe and quiet

Close your eyes

Focus on your breath and

Ground yourself

Now Imagine:

You have a confusing dream and

You wake up feeling tangled, queasy and helpless

And you can’t shake it

It feels like a sharp rock in your gut or

Your heart silently chokes with no way to get rid of it


Heavy and dense

Your immediate and habitual reaction might be to numb it out, pretend it doesn’t exist or hope and wait for it to leave

This is what blocked emotional energy can feel like

What can you do about it?

Something new

Are you with me?


Instead of stuffing feelings down or hoping they go away, use them as a signal from your body and inner self to help yourself

Feel better

Notice this feeling in your body and wrap your awareness around it like a warm blanket

Do not judge it

It is not bad or good

It just is

Go further inside the feeling

Then hold yourself in unconditional love for having that feeling

For being here and living and breathing

For being you

Cradle yourself in your vision of beautiful love

As you feel yourself unwind

Use that same transforming unconditional bright warm love

On the feeling of the dark rock in your gut or the dense block in your heart

Welcome it

Allow it and

Listen closely

Learn the helpful information it has for you then

Shine your love on this feeling

Stay with it and go deep

To get your energy moving again and

Dissolve the feeling


Let it go

In the inner safety of unconditional love

Nothing or nobody can take from you

Pour golden unconditional love generously in yourself

Like warm honey

Then breathe in the spaciousness that remains in that open place inside of you

When you are ready

Open your eyes

Thursday, January 16, 2020

A Hot Thought Bullet

“No one is here to please you”

This gem came from a video and it hit me

Like a hot thought bullet to my brain

It is so simple and yet so powerful


And it reminds me to take care of my emotions and my life

Be the best I can for me

Then I can be of service to you

From a deeply sourced authentic joy

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Empty Inside

Have you felt queasy and tilted inside?

Out of control mixed with an aching loneliness??

And no lasting relief in sight???


For me, it was feeling utterly abandoned and lonely. Completely alone in a sea of people on a Friday night. I wanted to blame and rage at anything outside of myself, but I didn’t have the energy. I wanted to feel better, I just didn’t know how.

Sound familiar?

As awful as it is, feeling pain can be a gift that turns everything around if we are willing to allow and explore our emotions. When we allow, learn from and release our emotions, we open spaciousness to remember who we really are inside.

We are Love

How do we use our emotions to feel better?

First by becoming aware of them and allowing them inside. Not stuffing, not hiding, not numbing them out. Feel them and understand the incredible information they offer.

Here is the incredible info:

When we feel pain, shame, guilt, embarrassment – we are not close to the love we are at our core. We are viewing our self through the eyes of others. We are judging our self and judgment is the opposite of love.

Stop that

When we feel wonder, awe, joy, bliss and love – we are close to the love we are at our core. We are in the flow of life, in the zone and exhilaratingly alive in the moment. We see ourselves and others through loving eyes.

Start, practice and continue that

Connect with more of your joy to bring yourself closer to the love and light you really are at your core to feel great. Judge or compare yourself and seek external fulfillment to distance yourself from the love and light you are at your core to feel miserable.

This is the beautiful Crystalline Compass that most of us hold inside now. Remember it. Use it.

Choose Love.

For fresh new and next strategy and steps that work, use this link to schedule your free one to one Clarity Call with me:

Love On
Risa Kelley
Optimized Relationships