Thursday, December 27, 2018

F**k New Year's Love Resolutions

Unless they really work for you.

In that case, go you!

Genuine fulfillment isn’t going to arrive in another broken resolution

It isn’t external.

Profound fulfillment is sourced inside of you now

Always has been

Always will be.

New Year’s is a fabulous time to unlearn the toxic social conditioning that most of us have learned too well:

We aren’t our relationships

We aren’t if we are with a partner or not

We aren’t our appearance

We aren’t our finances

We aren’t our health

We are enough.

We are our core heart and how much we choose to share of it.

In a way that excites and terrifies us simultaneously.

As we close out 2018, I have a challenge for you if you want to accept it.

Are you up for it?

How open hearted and vulnerable are you willing to be?

How much of your love are you willing to apply to your life in 2019?

How much love are you willing to give and receive in 2019?

What are your unconditional love goals?

We need your loving piece of the puzzle.

How will you challenge yourself to grow while contributing to the greater whole of the world?

I am honestly interested in your answers and thoughts.  No judgment. Comment or message me.

Listening . . .

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- message me here: or if you want to schedule a free 30 minute call with me, click here:

Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash

Thursday, December 20, 2018

This Time of Year

If you are tempted to feel alone

Or lonely

Or like you don’t matter

Please remember and take this to heart:

You have light inside of you

That burns bright

And intensifies all light

Your light is present now


And tomorrow

We need your light

Because it is you

And no one else can offer it.

You matter


Because of the light inside you.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

p.s.- If you want practical steps and strategies on your connection with more unconditional love, message me here:

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Love Won't Leave You Even If You Want it To

Real love is beyond bliss.

Lost love is shattering.

Most of us experience both

Deep sorrows and exquisite joy.

Because we are wired for survival, our painful experiences may stick with us longer than our fantastic moments.

We hold the fear of losing love in a tense pocket hidden inside our bruised heart.

We don’t know how to heal it, so we conceal it.

Hiding it may make our fear and pain stronger.

When we might be tempted to pry open our heart a slight sliver,

we are reminded of the pain that crushed us before,

So, we slam the door.

We go on our way and we say, I might love again


Not today.

Today I am not ready to try again.

That’s the thing about love and life.

Today is where all our power is.

In this very moment.

Not tomorrow, not someday. Now.

Real love is not going to arrive when the conditions are just right.

Real love is here now.

Ever present.

It’s within us now

Always has been

Always will be.

Love won’t leave us even if we want it to

The unconditional love we carry inside won’t ever abandon us

Our love energy connects us with all love energy


Love holds the energy of the universe together.

Our breath, pulse, and heartbeats bond us with all love energy.

Life energy.

We can’t really be alone.

Unless we think we are.

Or feel we are.

Then we know the most profound separation and


is self-imposed.

Nurture, radiate and receive unconditional love today.

Not tomorrow.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- When you are ready to let go of past pain and hurt, take one new action today and schedule a time to talk with me that works for you. Ready for a free phone call? Click here:

Photo by John Petalcurin on Unsplash

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Embracing New Love Energy

Many of us want new love, more love, different love. We know it.

We may not be as clear on how to embrace the love we want.

To enjoy new love, we must release our limiting beliefs and take new action.

If we knew what our limiting beliefs are, we would release them, right?

Releasing what doesn’t serve us any more begins with self-awareness.

With becoming aware of our thoughts that hold us back.

Most of us believe thoughts about ourselves that aren’t true.

Like: I am not enough, or I am not young enough, or pretty enough or rich enough or skinny enough or ideal enough.

We have learned through painful experience that we don’t measure up to what someone else expected of us.

But that doesn’t matter for 2 reasons:

We are more than our appearance and

Our love is on the inside and we are the only person who can accept or reject our self on a deep level.

When we learn to love ourselves fully and on an authentic level, we release our limiting beliefs that hold us back.

Then our new beliefs inspire our new actions.

So, we begin to release we absolutely believe about our self that hurts.

Love doesn’t hurt.

It’s time to let go of the pain that has hurt us and remember that at our core, we are love.

No exceptions.

We come from love, we are love now and we return to love.

When we are ready to choose to be vulnerable and we remember the love we are at our core, new love has begun.

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- When you are ready to let go of past pain and hurt, take one new action today and schedule a time to talk with me that works for you. Ready for a free phone call? Click here:

Photo by Richard M. on Unsplash