Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Whisper of Love that Haunts You to Help You

Do you know a quote that goes something like this?

“When you stop needing something, you are free to receive it.”

What’s your response to it?

It really applies to love

Especially unconditional love

We have been programmed to believe love is outside of ourselves

So, we search for it

And we all know how painful it is

To long for something we don’t have

For something we have tried and tried

To capture

Only to have our hearts shattered and shredded


By love’s absence

So much so that we may not to try to find love again


Time to release the beliefs that hold us hostage

Because it is in the seeking

Or the finding

That we are lost

We are not separate from love

Not apart from it

We are love

We hold love

We carry with us every minute of every day

We have been programmed to seek it outside of ourselves

When it is sourced within us

Within our broken or healing hearts

We have learned to forget that love is our greatest strength

Our beautiful empowerment

We are never alone

We were love, we are love now and we will always be love

Because the light love we have inside us

Connects us to love energy everywhere and always

The love that whispers to us when we feel sad, separate or lonely

Is reminding us that it

Love is alive


In our body, mind and spirit

Love craves expression


We are loved, loving and loveable now

Instead of searching for what we have had

All along

We can begin to shift

To remembering what is inside

Our hearts and

Appreciate it

Nurture it

Share it

For when we stop seeking what is naturally ours

We are free to receive it

Be the love you seek

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want help with re-embracing your heart wisdom, click here for your Free Love Guide:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by Matt Nelson on Unsplash

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Hey Butterfly

Stuck in a relationship spin cycle?

You will put up with it

Until you can’t stand it for one more second

You will put up with it

Until you want to scream

You will put up with it

Until you crave different results

You will put up with it

Until changing feels better than not changing

You will put up with it

Until you won’t

You will change

When not changing is unacceptable

You will change

When you are past ready

You will change

When you decide you are the only one who can make you truly happy

You will change

When you remember who you are at your core

You will change

When you listen to and honor your voice inside

You will change

When not changing seems like it will kill you from the inside out

You will grow

When you remember your light and strength

You will grow

When you release your beliefs that hold you back

You will grow

When you consciously choose

To take care of and love yourself


Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want personal support with re-embracing your heart wisdom, message me here:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by Augustine Mullick on Unsplash

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Goodbye Cruel Love

We are taught that love is outside of ourselves

And we need to bring it inside

To feel loved

Through other people, food, drugs, shopping

You name it

To be happy, fulfilled and joyful

And when that doesn’t work out

We feel sad, lonely, depressed

With no way to feel better

A cruel love mindset

A recipe for more sadness, loneliness and depression


Get tools to feel better and

Write your new love story


Take a practical first step

Start with how you feel

Become aware of your emotions

Allow your emotions

All of them

Don’t fight or resist any of your emotions

Use the information from your emotions to guide yourself to feel better

Feeling shitty gives you information to use

If you feel awful, you are not close to the core of strength you have inside

You have forgotten your inner resources and

You are far away from your inner light

Feeling consistently low is disconnection from the magnificent human being you are

Feels terrible

Not feeling shitty also gives you information to use

If you feel grateful or joyful, you are aligning with the core of strength you have inside

You feel your potential, possibilities and contribution

You are connected to your inner light and its’ connection to the light of all that is

You feel on a physical level that your life energy connects you with all life energy

To shift

Begin to consciously choose

Choose how you want to feel and if it is different from how you are feeling now

Choose to become self-aware

Choose to use your emotions like the tools they are

Use your Emotional GPS

To feel better now

Help yourself

Love yourself

Enough to know that

You are enough

You have strength and power inside

Tougher than your challenges

Even if it doesn’t seem like it now

Change begins inside your heart and mind

With your thoughts

With wanting change more than comfort

And leaving your old love story behind


Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want personal support with re-embracing your heart wisdom, message me here:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here: 

Photo by Tim Arterbury on Unsplash

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Get It Together Baby

Have you noticed

How lack in one area of your life might influence another area?

It might be in

Romantic relationships, health or financial abundance

Or in a combination of them

Traditional social conditioning says lack or scarcity is because you are either lucky and you are not or

You are chosen or you are not or

You are being punished or

You are not a “good person”

Let’s call bullshit

You have searched for solutions

Over and over

When solutions didn’t arrive

You remembered the problem

Over and over and

Tried even harder and

Unintentionally energized it and felt more

Lack and scarcity

Now shift that

Consciously direct your thoughts and focus

To what feels better




What you think about with feeling

You get more of

Abundance or scarcity

Scarcity or lack is also believing

Other people and circumstances have power over you

Rather than

In your own possibilities and potential

You have inner resources that are greater than the challenges you face

Shift out of scarcity and into abundance

Count all the things in your life you are grateful for

Get as good at focusing on what you have

What you love

As you were at what you fear and lack

As you notice fear or lack thoughts, shift to gratitude

Tap into your strength inside to thrive

Not other people or external circumstances

Remember love is your real power and then

Remember your love connects you with all that is

Draw strength from oneness

Help other people

To feel better

To energize, amplify and elevate your abundance

All abundance

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want personal support with re-embracing your heart wisdom, message me here:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Your Love Is Looking Out For You

Ever feel like destroying someone because they hurt you?

Or want them to suffer as you suffered?

Have you considered thanking them?


Stay with me here

All your emotions are valid

You can learn as much from the ones that feel awful

As you do from the ones that feel fabulous

When you shift and

Begin to focus on the ones you are tempted to run away and hide from

Un-numb yourself

Your uncomfortable feelings hold important information for you to use now

To guide you

To self-soothe and feel better fast when you

Welcome in the lessons your pain, anger, shame, sorrow bring

For in these feelings

Arrive knowledge

Straight from the center of your heart to you

From you to you

That you are enough

That your upset, devastation and pain are because you don’t feel loved as you want to be

Are worthy of

Know is your destiny

These uncomfortable feelings are a loving signal for you

To get back to your power

Get back to you

Your love inside

And remember you are never powerless

Your power is unlimited

Call up, align with and amplify the light and love you hold in your core

Know they are the source of your strength, connection, wisdom and potential

Your love is bigger than any challenge you face

The love within your heart is looking out for you

Sometimes it feels good, sometimes it doesn’t

Pain is a reminder that you are strong

That you are getting stronger and gaining clarity

The love inside your heart is your compass

To your power source

To help you help yourself

To align you with more love

Live and love into your heart

Love On,

Risa Kelley

Optimized Relationships

p.s.- If you want personal support with re-embracing your heart wisdom, message me here:

p.s.s.- If you are tired of feeling stuck in love, take a bolder step and schedule your free 30 minute Love Coaching Call with me here:

Photo by paul wallez on Unsplash