Wednesday, August 30, 2017

It Gets You Nowhere



Blame is unproductive.
Blame keeps you focused on the problem, not a solution.
Blame is a struggle against what is.
Blame is wanting people to see the problem as you do.
Blame is an obstacle to moving forward.
Blame is about being right.
Blame is defensive.
Blame is not taking responsibility.
Blame encourages choosing sides. 
Blame blocks connection.
Blame is perceived powerlessness.
Blame goes hand in hand with being a victim.

The only time you are powerless is when you believe you are.
Shift out of blame, move to more love.
You are strong and powerful beyond belief. 

Photo by Kev Seto on Unsplash

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

This One Goes Out to the One You Love

It feels fabulous to fit in.


Feel safe.

Not many people want to be excluded. 

Like it or not the tribe mentality exists
. You accommodate. You hide who you are. Your light. 

It's a tough call. Sliding scale, teeter-tooter, slippery slope. You decide how little or how much to share of yourself in different situations. With different people. At different times.

Consciously calibrate and share yourself. Seek the situations, people and experiences that celebrate you. Genuine. Unapologetic. Real.

Help widen the parameters of inclusion.

Photo by Cody Davis on Unsplash

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lovers: Beware of B Words


and about a million other terms cute expressions of endearment.

Just a short post today to tell you to be on the lookout for B words. . . 

Sometimes these terms of affection are full of love. Like nice little baskets you fill with good intentions to reinforce how you feel about each other. I'm all for that! Nicknames can be connective and bonding.

And sometimes these terms of affection are manipulative. Empty. Flat as on old shriveled balloon. They can be used to control and influence you. Lead you to believe someone cares more than they do. 

How do you tell the difference?

Trust yourself. Listen to your intuition. Most of all - notice if the person's walk matches their talk. Do their actions align with their words? Do they consistently treat you like you are special to them? Or only once in awhile?

Notice when they use sweet little nicknames. Notice when they don't. Do they use them to greet you? Do they use them when they want you to do something or not do something? Do they use them to appease you? Or do they pop out spontaneously and real like honest feelings do?

B words mean nothing without an open heart and loving intention behind them. Don't give B words more meaning than the person using them.

*Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Love Chooses You Choose Love

You know relationship pain.

Online profile lies, misrepresentations, deceptions, cruelty and judgment by people you don't know. You've had enough.


You have been hurt in the past and in order to avoid the pain, you vow to do it different this time.

Close your heart. 
Filter how much and when you share yourself.
Close down altogether.

What the hell do you reveal and what the hell do you hide?

You are afraid to try again and afraid not to. The definition of stuck.

How much or how little do you reveal of yourself when you start a new relationship?
What are your guidelines?
How staunch are your love boundaries?

Ready for new and next?

It's time to close your mind to confusion. Make room for new and connect to the emotional compass you have inside of you. Use your emotions to help you. All of them, they are your personal GPS. 

It isn't easy, in fact it's hard work. Beyond difficult and so worth it. 

You begin to listen. Inside.

Get quiet, turn off the noise and go off grid. Close your eyes to look within. Breathe until you relax. Melt. Visualize. Trust yourself, you have your answers.

Although you've been taught love is outside of yourself. Or that there is a magic formula. Or that someone knows better than you do.

Not true.

You know. Open up space in your thoughts to connect with your intuition, your wisdom and your heart. Stop disconnecting from your emotions, they are your guides. They provide information.

Align with what feels better. 

Get still. Breathe in your own way. Listen to the one person who knows what you want and what is best for you. You.

Plug into the inner wisdom you have been taught to ignore. Revive your inner voice. If something feels wrong to you - run. If something feels nice - pursue it. 

Forget what you should do, should sucks. Toss should and do what brings you joy. Now.

Ditch mind games. Unlearn social conditioning. Shift the rules.

Claim your relationship bliss.

Photo by Denys Argyriou on Unsplash

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Love and Starfish Arms

You seek safety, yet you won't be shackled.

You crave certainty, yet you need choices.

You've had your heart stomped to bloody hell, yet you might try again.

Nothing about you is consistent. Humans aren't consistent. Emotions, thoughts and mindsets change with your experiences. 

How then, can you commit to a love partner? And trust someone to commit to you? How can you be sure that you will love each other in the long run?

You can't.

But you can unlearn the social conditioning that one person will make you happy. You can take responsibility for your emotions and actions yourself. Trust yourself deeply and purposely cultivate your unconditional love.

Know as people shift out of your life, it will hurt and you will grieve but nothing can deplete the unconditional love you have deep inside but you. You. You can't be cut off from your unconditional love unless you choose to separate yourself from it. Unless you abandon it. 

Like amazing starfish that grow a fresh arm when one has been severed, as you offer your unconditional love, more love takes it's place. Unconditional love regenerates. 

Unconditional love is infinite. 

Unconditional love is eternal and with you always. It thrives and thrums within you as you focus on it and take care of it. Share it. The more unconditional love you offer, the more you have.

So unlike other people, money, possessions or status, unconditional love won't leave you. Unconditional love won't break your heart, it will mend it. Your love enhances who you are.

Your challenge is to connect with unconditional love inside your heart. Meet the love and power you are. Allow yourself to enjoy it. Grow with it. 

Base your relationships on that and see what happens.  

***Photo by Karen Cantú Q on Unsplash